Health Care Professionals

Welcome! Physicians, nurses, pharmacists and other health care professionals can check this page for important resources and information available at Norton Healthcare. You can explore medical journals and the latest medical news, register for continuing medical education activities and use the patient education information and tools.

Information for Physicians

Physicians may register for continuing medical education, explore the most up-to-date medical news, investigate clinical trial information at Norton Healthcare and utilize important patient education information and tools.

Information for Nurses

Nurses can access important nurse resource information, stay up-to-date on the latest health care news, register for continuing education and discover exciting new career opportunities.

Continuing Education Opportunities

Norton Healthcare provides physicians, nurse practitioners, nurses and pharmacists the most current information available through quality continuing education activities.

Clinical Pastoral Education

A “learning by doing” ministry is available under Association for Clinical Pastoral Education (CPE) supervision in an accredited CPE center. The student gains experience and skills in pastoral care while being closely supervised and participating in integrative educational classes.


CPA Lab, a division of Norton Healthcare, is a local laboratory with a staff of more than 18 board-certified pathologists licensed to practice in Kentucky.

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