As an ex-smoker for 14 years, Judy knows how much better life can be

Judy shares a few tips to encourage you to make the commitment to quit for good.

Author: Norton Healthcare

Published: October 15, 2019 | Updated: November 20, 2019

Estimated reading time: 2 minutes

If you’re thinking about quitting tobacco, take encouragement from Judy, a contact center representative in the Norton Healthcare marketing and communications department, who hasn’t had a cigarette in 14 years.

Why Did You Decide to Become a Nonsmoker?

Judy: Smoking controlled my life … I was always thinking about the next cigarette. It was very much an inconvenience, and I thought of all the money I was spending to kill myself.

When Did You Quit?

Judy: The last cigarette I had was Dec. 5, 2005. That was the day I was operated on for lung cancer. The surgeon removed one-third of my upper lung. I was very lucky it was found so early. My mother died of lung cancer at age 67.

Ready to Quit?

Two eight-week American Lung Association Freedom From Smoking classes start Jan. 7, 2020. Pick one that works for you.

Register online or call (502)-629-1234. You may even be greeted by Judy, who would be delighted to help you take the first steps to joining her in being tobacco free.

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What Strategies Did You Use to Quit?

Judy: I was in the first or one of the first smoking cessation classes offered by Norton Healthcare. It was very helpful. I also used the lozenges. I was determined to quit.

What Advice Do You Have for Others Who Are Trying to Quit?

Judy: Make a list of all the good things in your life you can have without smoking. Keep trying and don’t give up.

What Do You Think Are the Main Benefits to Quitting?

Judy: I wanted to be around to see my grandchildren grow up. I wanted to smell good; smoking has a very bad odor. All my friends are nonsmokers, so quitting smoking is probably the best thing I could have done for myself, my family and my friends. Now I can be around my grandchildren and have fun. No time for smoking because I’m having too much fun!

How Do You Feel Now That You Are Tobacco-free?

Judy: I feel good. I’m free from the control smoking had on my life. I have more money in my pocket. Most of all, I feel healthy. It’s awesome to be a nonsmoker. I would never pick up a cigarette again.

Read more: Ready to quit smoking? Make a plan