Employee stories - Norton Healthcare, Norton Audubon, Patient stories - Norton Healthcare

When you love someone, let them know — a lot

Bonny and Robert Parker, who are in their early 60s, met years ago at the former Heads Up Pub in Louisville.  As sometimes happens in life, when they first met, in their early 20s, it was not meant to be. They both ended up marrying other people but eventually found their way back to each other…

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Endocrinology, NCMA

Misdiagnosed diabetes can lead to serious, life-threatening complications

Diabetes is a condition that affects around 37 million Americans. This disease affects how your body uses glucose (sugar). High blood sugar can cause other health conditions over time, including nerve and eye damage, heart disease and kidney disease. In Type 1 diabetes and Type 2 diabetes, the diagnosis is made after confirming blood sugar…

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Flu, Norton Now

I have the flu. Can it turn into pneumonia?

Influenza, or the flu, is a common respiratory infection caused by a virus that infects the nose, throat and lungs. Most people can clear the flu on their own. Sometimes there are complications of the flu, such as pneumonia. Pneumonia is an infection in the air sacs of one or both lungs and can be…

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Norton Now

Is bronchitis contagious?

Bronchitis is a common respiratory condition that can cause a cough that lingers for several weeks. As a result, you might wonder: Is bronchitis contagious? The answer depends on several factors.  What causes bronchitis? Bronchitis occurs when the bronchial tubes, which are the tiny openings that carry air to and from your lungs, become inflamed….

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Brand Feature, Employee stories - Norton Healthcare, Norton Hospital

When a Norton Healthcare nurse had surgery on her wrist, an employee benefit helped with driving her and her dad

Sheila Geiger, R.N., a relief charge nurse on the mother/baby unit at Norton Hospital, hadn’t heard of Papa until she was working her night shift last August. One of her team members brought up the Papa program to Sheila because she thought Sheila could benefit from it. Available to all Norton Healthcare employees, Papa is…

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Brand Feature, Employee stories - Norton Healthcare, Research and Clinical Trials

Balancing service and career

Kendrick Thomas had found his niche at Bellarmine University — working toward a career that gave him the opportunity to follow in the footsteps of one of his greatest role models he had growing up. His mother served in the military for 22 years, and her service and passion for helping people inspired Kendrick to…

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Dementia, Memory, Neurosciences, News

Norton Neuroscience Institute selected to pilot national Brain Health Navigator program

Norton Neuroscience Institute is one of six sites nationwide chosen to pilot a new Brain Health Navigator program aimed at creating a worldwide model to prevent, diagnose and treat Alzheimer’s disease. The program — funded and pioneered by the Davos Alzheimer’s Collaborative — provides resources for patients and providers at these six sites. “This collaborative…

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Flu, Infectious Disease, Norton Childrens Medical Associates, Norton Community Medical Associates, Norton Now

Even when your fever goes away, you still can spread the flu for about 24 hours

Influenza, or flu, is an upper respiratory infection caused by a virus. It affects the nose, lungs and throat. This influenza is not the same as a stomach flu, which may cause vomiting, nausea and diarrhea.  Most people recover on their own from influenza. Sometimes, the flu and its complications can be deadly. There is…

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Norton Community Medical Associates

Hormone replacement therapy is different from over-the-counter supplementation

Menopause is when monthly periods stop completely. The time before menopause is called perimenopause, which is when hormone levels begin to drop. Women who have had certain surgeries or treatments such as chemotherapy or radiation may experience premature menopause. The fluctuation in hormones before, during, and after periods have ceased causes many symptoms, including: Menopause…

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Endocrinology, Obstetrics

First in area: Wendy Novak Diabetes Institute Perinatal Program established for specialized care

Wendy Novak Diabetes Institute, a part of Norton Healthcare and Norton Children’s, today announced the creation of the Wendy Novak Diabetes Institute Perinatal Program. The program is the first of its kind in Louisville and Southern Indiana, and will expand services available to women with diabetes who wish to have children — something that requires…

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Cancer, Patient stories - Norton Healthcare, Skin Cancers

Reconstructing damage from skin cancer

Like many boys of his generation, Randy Stewart, age 76, grew up playing and working outside on the family farm. Other than summer heat, Randy rarely thought about the sun. In the 1950s, sunscreen wasn’t readily available, and Randy was never one to wear a hat. In fact, he admits he dislikes them. Today, he’s…

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Breast Cancer, Cancer

Genetic testing for the BRCA gene mutation helped save her life

Finding out you have a high risk of cancer doesn’t have to be a terrifying experience. As Kinsey Woodson learned, it can be an empowering way to prioritize your health. “The more I can normalize genetic testing, the more lives we can save,” she said. At age 19, Kinsey tested positive for the BRCA1 gene…

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