Make an appointment today. No referral necessary.

Expertise in Diagnosis and Advanced Care

  • The largest group of arm and hand providers in the state, at four locations in Louisville, offers comprehensive treatment — often without surgery.
  • Comprehensive treatment is provided for common conditions, including carpal tunnel, arthritis, ganglion cyst, mallet finger, trigger finger, numbness in the hands and wrists, and fractures of the fingers, hand, wrist and elbow.
  • Norton Arm & Hand Institute specialists include national leaders in treating the unique needs of growing children.
  • Get an appointment within a week, or sometimes the same day.
  • Medicare, Medicaid, workers’ compensation and most major commercial insurance plans accepted.
  • Book appointments, get alerts when an earlier appointment becomes available, communicate with your medical provider, refill prescriptions and more through your free Norton MyChart account.

Many arm and hand conditions can be resolved without surgery, but some require intricate and complex microsurgery required to restore as much dexterity as possible. The specialists at Norton Arm & Hand Institute have the experience and expertise to know when surgery is needed and when physical therapy and other noninvasive treatments can help.

Doctor uses toe to replace teen’s thumb

The teen thought he was holding a simple smoke bomb. But it was a homemade explosive device — and when it exploded, it took half his hand with it. Norton Arm & Hand Institute surgeons fashioned a new thumb from the boy’s second toe to restore some use of his hand.

Read Gabriel’s Story

Why choose
Norton Arm & Hand Institute

“At Norton Arm & Hand Institute you’ll find specialists who are leaders in the field, with deep experience restoring function to injured hands and arms. Our patients range in age from premature babies to senior adults, and our robust staff of providers can see you promptly.”

Amit Gupta, M.D.
Medical Director
Norton Arm & Hand Institute

Meet Our Specialists

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