Learn More

The Norton Palliative Care Program at Norton Audubon Hospital and Norton Hospital provides a special kind of care and extra layer of support for people experiencing serious illness. Palliative care addresses your emotional, physical, spiritual, cultural and social needs. Your concerns, choices and care goals are the team’s constant focus. Palliative care team members are specially trained in addressing pain and symptom management and providing emotional and spiritual support. We work together with your physicians and nurses to add to your care.

Palliative Care Services

Our team members’ expertise covers many aspects of care, including:

  • Pain and symptom management
  • Managing pain with medication and other methods
  • Lessening distressing symptoms, including breathing difficulties; nausea and loss of appetite; bowel and bladder issues; other physical issues; confusion and anxiety
  • Clarification of care goals
  • Helping you and your loved ones understand your illness, know what to expect and understand your treatment options
  • Advocating for the best possible quality of life for you during your illness and openly discussing treatment options
  • Helping you and your family adjust your treatment if your illness worsens
  • Assisting with care planning options and choices
  • Emotional and spiritual support
  • Providing emotional and spiritual support for you and your family
  • Providing religious rituals when desired
  • Connecting to helpful community resources

For more information about the Norton Palliative Care Program, call the following locations:

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