Coronavirus and your heart health

Call 911 immediately if you think you are having a heart attack or stroke

As hospitals step up and respond to the influx of COVID-19 patients amid a pandemic, a dangerous trend has emerged: Fewer patients are seeking treatment for heart attack and stroke symptoms. A study published in the Journal of the American College of Cardiology found that at each of nine large U.S. hospitals, the number of heart attack patients had dropped significantly.

People may be ignoring symptoms or, in the case of heart attack, mistaking them for COVID-19 symptoms (such as difficulty breathing). People may resist going to an emergency room for fear of catching or spreading COVID-19. But hospitals have safety measures in place to keep the risk low. Getting care for a heart attack or stroke is critical, and speed matters. Receiving treatment for a heart attack or stroke in the first 60 minutes is key. The faster you can get help, the better off you’ll be. Speed of care can be the difference between life or death, or the difference between making a full recovery or having lasting limitations.

Call 911 immediately if you think you or a loved one is having a stroke or heart attack. Emergency responders can provide care from the moment they arrive, and they alert the heart attack or stroke team at the hospital to prepare for your arrival. Do not drive yourself to the hospital.[vc_column width=”1/2″][templatera id=”89478″][vc_column width=”1/2″][templatera id=”89477″]Some of these symptoms are similar to coronavirus infection (such as difficulty breathing). Look for the combination of symptoms and what it might be telling you.

Call your doctor if you have a current heart condition and think you may need a visit. In addition to an in person office visit, you may have the option of seeing  your provider via a telehealth appointment or talk on the phone.

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