Hepatitis C, Infectious Disease, Obstetrics

Kentucky is first state to screen pregnant women for hepatitis C

Effective July 1, 2018, all Kentucky women who are pregnant will be tested for hepatitis C (hep C) during their first prenatal visit with a health provider. The screening is now a law after Kentucky lawmakers passed Senate Bill 250 in April 2018. The bill was sponsored by Sen. Julie Raque Adams. Norton Healthcare has…

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Employee resource groups spark new conversations with a focus on mission

Norton Healthcare’s employee resource groups are helping the organization be more understanding, empathetic and supportive of those we are connected to, including our patients, employees and community. From free meals to honor veterans’ service to a health fair that brought attention to an underserved community, these groups are shaping what great human interactions look like…

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Employee stories - Norton Healthcare, News

Know your numbers now to reduce your risk later

Sara Candler, physical therapist, Norton Brownsboro Hospital, and her husband, Dennis, found areas of concern with their health after an annual wellness exam. The exam was part of N Good Health, Norton Healthcare’s employee wellness program. Sara and Dennis have made significant lifestyle changes based on the results. “I truly don’t think we’d get a…

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Maternal-Fetal Medicine, News, Obstetrics, Planning Your Pregnancy

Millennials waiting to have kids – more pregnancies happening after 35

Millennials are delaying milestones such as getting married and starting a family, and it’s reflected in U.S. birth rates — more women are giving birth at age 35 and older. The mean age for the birth of a first child is at an all-time high of 26.6 years old, according to data from the Centers for…

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Atrial Fibrillation, Heart

What is A-fib?

Atrial fibrillation, also called A-fib, is a disease of the heart. It causes an irregular heartbeat, often faster than normal. Between 3 and 6 million people in the U.S. have A-fib. Each year, around 350,000 people are admitted to hospitals for A-fib, and about 500,000 people are diagnosed. “After turning 40, there is a one-in-four…

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News, Pulmonary

Unhealthy Air Quality Index: How to deal with air pollution and asthma

It’s no secret that Greater Louisville is a challenging place to live for people with allergies and asthma. Warm temperatures early in the spring and late into the fall can create a long growing season for allergen-producing plants. The Ohio Valley limits airflow, causing allergens to get trapped in its basin, especially in the hotter…

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Employee stories - Norton Healthcare, News

Veteran nurse provides compassionate care to patients – and his team

When Kenneth P. Hall, R.N., joined Norton Audubon Hospital’s 5 East cardiac telemetry unit in October 2011, little did he know how profound his impact would be there. Now, almost seven years later, Ken’s patients and colleagues do not know what they would do without him. Valentina M. Nikic, patient care associate, describes Ken this…

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News, Recipes

Watermelon salad with feta, blueberries and honey vinaigrette

Serves 8 Prep time: 10 minutes Ingredients 1 personal, seedless watermelon, diced ½ pint blueberries 2 oz crumbled feta cheese Dressing 1/8 cup olive oil 1 tablespoon apple cider vinegar 1 tablespoon honey Pinch salt Pinch pepper Directions Combine melon, berries and cheese. In a small bowl, whisk dressing ingredients together and pour over watermelon…

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News, Recipes

Taco flag dip

Taco flag dip – no cooking required! Makes 16 servings Prep time: 15 minutes Ingredients 10oz plain Greek yogurt 8 oz Greek yogurt cream cheese DIY taco seasoning or 1 packet taco seasoning 16 oz can refried black beans (look for variety without “hydrogenated lard” on the ingredients list) 1 stalk romaine lettuce, chopped finely…

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News, Prevention and Wellness

Fourth of July hand-washing and food safety tips

July Fourth is right around the corner. People will enjoy cookouts and fireworks — hopefully without feeling sick due to food or a bug passed from another partygoer. Warm temperatures create the ideal environment for bacteria and other pathogens to multiply and cause foodborne illnesses. Hand-washing and proper food safety techniques can help keep your…

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News, Weight Management

How to avoid weight gain while on vacation

Traveling is something many look forward to during the summer months. However, it can be easy to let your eating habits slip and choose convenient, unhealthy options while on the road or in the airport — leading to vacation weight gain. “It is very easy to gain weight during travel,” said Hope Theiss, licensed and registered…

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News, Prevention and Wellness

How to prevent firework hand injuries

It’s fun to play with fireworks … until it’s not. Emergency rooms across the country see an increase in burns and hand injuries around the Fourth of July. Charity S. Burke, M.D., hand surgeon, Norton Louisville Arm & Hand, is no stranger to treating fireworks injuries. “When you’re the on-call hand surgeon during the Fourth…

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