Rival high schools come together to help fight breast cancer

Local girls’ schools raised a record $50,000 for Norton Cancer Institute during their annual flag football game

Author: Erica Coghill

Published: June 11, 2018 | Updated: June 12, 2019

Students from Louisville’s Assumption High School and Sacred Heart Academy revealed during a special check presentation ceremony how much money they raised during their annual Pink and White flag football game.

The crowd gasped when the students flipped around the oversized check, made out for $50,000 — nearly double what they raised the previous year. The funds will support the Norton Cancer Institute Breast Health Program.

The annual rivalry has gained momentum in its 11 years. Over that period of time, ticket sales have amounted to more than $250,000 in donations for Norton Cancer Institute.

This year’s game was held on April 27 at Trinity High School in Louisville. Boys from Trinity and St. Xavier High School performed a half-time show dance.

“The game not only raises awareness about early detection and screening, but raises dollars that directly support the work of the program, particularly our prevention and screening initiatives to target women who are underserved in the community,” said Lynnie Meyer, Ed.D., R.N., CFRE, senior vice president and chief development officer for Norton Healthcare.

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