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Requests for the Norton Prevention & Wellness Mobile Prevention Center for your event must be made at least three months in advance. Please be aware your date may not be available. Availability is limited.

The Mobile Prevention Center requires:

  • A minimum of eight paved and level parking spaces (It cannot set up on the street.)
  • An additional four parking spaces for mobile unit staff
  • Direct access to public restrooms from the vehicle
  • Overhead clearance of at least 13 feet

Note: For private events, there may be additional requirements.

To request the Mobile Prevention Center, submit this form. Select “Adult Prevention and Wellness” at the bottom of the form to request these services. If you have questions, call (502) 899-6842.

Upon submission, one of our health navigators will follow up on your request. They will work with you on scheduling, stay in contact with you leading up to and during the event, and provide additional materials to help you promote the mobile unit at your event.

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