During the time of legalized segregation in the late 19th and early 20th centuries, new and aspiring doctors came to Louisville to forge a path where there was none for many people living west of Ninth Street.

With no hospitals or medical practices for people of color, these men and women established their own and dedicated their lives to serving our community. They left a legacy that should not be forgotten and continues to be built upon today.

These are just some of Louisville’s health care pioneers who practiced in West Louisville. There are more — known and unknown.

Some documents and original language from the time period are included on this web page.

Rufus Conrad


Bertha Whedbee


Anna Page, M.D.


Mary E. Merritt


Step outside and step back in time

Learn about the people and places that paved the way for Norton West Louisville Hospital.

Visit the historical experience at 28th Street and Garland Avenue (just steps outside Norton West Louisville Hospital’s doors)
to meet some of the health care pioneers who practiced in West Louisville.

This historical monument was made possible by a donation in memory of Richard S. Wolf, M.D., to the Norton Children’s Hospital Foundation, from his loving family.

Dr. Wolf was a beloved pediatrician and instrumental leader in building what today is Norton Children’s Hospital. He served as medical director of the hospital from 1983 to 1995 and continued to serve Norton Healthcare with distinction until his death at age 93 on Oct. 17, 2023.

Dr. Wolf was a tireless advocate for children. His passion lay in ensuring health and safety resources were available to all children. He also had a playful side. The iconic “Just for Kids” hot air balloon was Dr. Wolf’s brainchild. In addition, he and his wife, Bert, commissioned artwork for the children’s hospital that kids and adults alike could interact with.

Having spearheaded many well-known community resources outside of the hospital, Dr. Wolf’s legacy reaches far and wide — it’s a legacy of making a place for children to grow and thrive.

Norton Healthcare is proud to memorialize these pioneers with help from and thanks to:

Berea College Special Collections & Archives

Photo of Mary Merritt used with permission

Family of Richard S. Wolf, M.D.
Filson Historical Society

Norton Children’s Hospital Foundation
Norton Healthcare Archives
UofL Kornhauser Health Sciences Library
UofL Libraries Archives & Special Collections