Create ideal sleeping conditions in your bedroom

Setting your bedroom up for ideal sleeping conditions is one of the best ways to get better sleep.

Author: Norton Healthcare

Published: September 16, 2019 | Updated: September 23, 2019

Estimated reading time: 3 minutes

Your Ideal Sleeping Conditions Checklist

  • Create the right environment with clean sheets, a cool climate, plants to freshen the air and darkness
  • Prepare for the next day, choose a power down activity and turn off the devices.
  • No work materials in the bedroom
  • Clear the mind with meditation
  • Stretch
  • Switch your nightcap from alcohol to chamomile tea or warm milk
  • Write down your worry list so you can leave them out of your bedroom

Creating the ideal sleeping conditions is one of the best ways to get better sleep. Making changes in your bedroom may be all it takes to relieve some sleep issues. Here are some key ways you can create your own sleep sanctuary.

Create the Right Environment

Sheets should be clean and soft. Keep bedding to a minimum and use a pillow to keep your neck in a neutral position. Block your clock or turn down brightness. Aromatherapy can help put you to sleep. Pets should have a separate sleeping area.

Try areca palm, English ivy, orchids or succulents to improve the air. Turn down the thermostat to 65 to 72 degrees. Try a noise machine to block outside noises.


Get into a routine of spending the last hour before bed preparing for the day ahead — make lunches or meals, choose clothing, go through the next day’s to-do list — followed by washing up, changing into pajamas and then doing a calming activity, such as meditation, breathing exercises or reading a book. Power off the TV and electronic devices that emit blue light.

Ban Work From the Bedroom

Your sleep area should be free from work notes, work reading materials, calendars, bills or any potential stressors. It also shouldn’t be the space for making complicated decisions. All of these can bring on anxiety and unnecessary thinking.


Quiet mental noise by spending a few minutes in either traditional meditation or mindful meditation, in which you become aware of your emotions, thoughts and surroundings in a positive way. This will help clear your mind for sleep.

Suspect a Sleep Disorder?

The first stop should be your primary care provider before poor sleep starts affecting your health.

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Stretch It Out

Holding one stretch or yoga pose for about 10 minutes can relax you. This can be as simple as lying on your back on the floor with your legs flat and arms extended. Inhale for four counts, exhale for four counts. Repeat for 10 minutes.

Put the Bottle Away

While having a drink is a common way to destress and alcohol works as a sedative, it won’t provide long-lasting rest. A drink may help you fall asleep, but it will not help you stay asleep. Try chamomile tea or warm milk instead.

Make a Worry List

At least two hours before bed, take a few minutes to write down what’s on your mind. Having thoughts written down where you can address them or not forget about them will help keep the thoughts from racing when you lie down to sleep. And you know that saying about not going to bed mad? It’s a thing. If you have a conflict to resolve, make peace. Doing so will ease your mind so you can sleep better — and it actually will help you get more deep sleep.