Marathon training: When to replace your shoes

Don’t wait for a hole in the sole to toss your old shoes out.

Author: Norton Healthcare

Published: March 30, 2017 | Updated: May 8, 2019

Estimated reading time: 2 minutes

Running requires minimal gear to get started, which often attracts many new runners. However, a good pair of running shoes is important to keeping you injury-free throughout your training season. And, as we near the final leg of this training season, extra attention to that pair of shoes may be needed.

  • Don’t wait for a hole in the sole to toss your old shoes out. Monitor your shoes throughout your training season with shoe checks as frequently as once a week.
  • What to look for?
  • Wear and tear: Monitor your shoes for general wear and tear, including exposed seams, worn rubber and more.
  • Stiffness of forefront: Hold the heel and tip of your shoe in each hand and fold inward. If there is some resistance when folded up, your shoes are still OK to run in. If they fold up like a dinner napkin, it’s time to replace them.
  • Aches and pains: If you start getting aches and pains in your joints or shins, you need to replace your shoes.

Most experts recommend replacing shoes every 300 to 450 miles. Use this chart to gauge when you need a new pair of shoes.

Number of days running Replace shoe
2 days/week Every 10 months
3 days/week Every 8 months
4 to 5 days/week Every 6 months
6 to 7 days/week Every 4 months