News, Recipes

10 reasons to eat turmeric

Turmeric, a beautifully colored relative of ginger, is a spice commonly used in curry and added to foods for color. It also has a host of health benefits, mainly thanks to its anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties. Curcumin, a compound found in turmeric, can help with heartburn and indigestion, joint pain, pelvic pain, and even depression…

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Spring into sports safety

Spring is here and participation in organized sports or playing in the neighborhood offers tremendous social, emotional and physical benefits for children. We know it is no fun for kids to sit on the sidelines with an injury. Here are a few simple things parents can do to help reduce injuries so kids can continue…

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Neurosciences, News

Can coffee stop you from getting MS?

I came across a news article that finally validated my coffee habit. The study touts that drinking coffee is tied to a lower risk for developing multiple sclerosis (MS). And we’re not talking one cup, but upward of five full cups of coffee a day. But then that little voice of reason that likes to…

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Stop making excuses and eat!

We’ve all done it: overslept and skipped breakfast or worked through lunch. Schedules get hectic and suddenly eating is dropped from our to-do list. However, skipping meals undernourishes your body and mind, and can lead to at least seven health consequences: Decreased immunity, which makes you more likely to get sick  Overeating when you finally…

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Child Abuse Prevention, News

Child abuse through a doctor’s eyes

I’ve been a practicing pediatrician for 13 years. I feel like I’ve seen it all — from the normal bumps and scrapes to some of the rarest syndromes and diseases on this planet. But there’s one thing that always shocks and upsets me as a physician and as a parent: child abuse. An abused child…

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Overall cancer death rates are down

Anyone who has ever heard the words, “You have cancer” — or who loves someone who has heard them — will tell you these are life-changing words. Less than two years after my mother heard those words in 1988, she died from lung cancer that had spread to her brain. She was only 57 years…

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Can I handle another?

As you probably know by now, I have two children: my kind, silly, dramatic and oh so rambunctious Jude, age 6; and my precious, affectionate, sassy and bossypants of a girl, Bryce, age 3. My husband and I work full-time; our kids go to two different schools and are into their own extracurricular activities (that…

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Preparing yourself and your kids for puberty

Any parent would agree: There are milestones in our children’s lives that give us thrills and chills. Watching our children take their first steps, play a team sport for the first time, receive an honor from a teacher — the list goes on. What about the onset of puberty? For many boys and girls, this…

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More moms can find safe haven for babies

Giving up a newborn baby may seem unimaginable. But for some Kentucky moms, they are faced with having to make that heart-wrenching decision. Up until now, they had only three days after giving birth to do so. That’s about to change. The Kentucky General Assembly has passed an expansion of Kentucky’s Safe Infants Act, also…

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News, Recipes

Power Foods – Berry Smoothie

Cranberries, blueberries, raspberries, oh my! Berries promote urinary tract health and provide protection against infection with an important compound that helps fight bacteria and keeps it from sticking to the lining of the urinary tract.  

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Ortho - Hip, Orthopedics

Home after hip replacement

Bob Beatty has achieved tremendous success as head football coach at Trinity High School in Louisville. In his 16 years at the helm, the Shamrocks have won 11 state titles and are consistently ranked among the top football programs in the country. “From our players to our coaches, we have the desire to outwork anybody,”…

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Prevention and Wellness

The gift that keeps on giving

We all know water has zero calories, but did you know that drinking just a little more each day can dramatically improve your health? New research from the University of Illinois suggests that adults who drink as little as 1 percent more water every day can experience better health, including weight loss and increased productivity….

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