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Your colon must be empty before a colonoscopy. You’ll prepare for your colonoscopy the day before by sticking to a liquid diet. Typically, you’ll start the bowel-cleansing preparation a few hours before bed.
It’s not as bad as some make it out to be. It isn’t painful, and there are ways to make the bowel prep go easier.
After reviewing your medical history and medications with you, your doctor will decide on the best bowel prep for you.
Follow these instructions and the instructions for the bowel preparation prescribed to you to ensure that your colon is cleaned out properly. Removing all waste material from the colon prior to your colonoscopy will allow your doctor to successfully examine the lining of your colon.
If you take insulin
Follow these guidelines if you take insulin: Check your blood sugar four to five times the day of your prep. Take your regular morning dose of insulin.
Check your blood sugar prior to your evening dose of insulin:
Do not take insulin on the day of your procedure until after the procedure is done.
If you take other medications
Tell the doctor who ordered the colonoscopy if you are currently taking any of the following medications. Your doctor will advise you to discontinue or make adjustments to these medications, or will ask you to talk with your primary care physician or cardiologist prior to your procedure.
Do not eat or drink anything, including chewing gum, after midnight the night prior to your procedure.
If you experience issues such as nausea and vomiting with your prep, call our physician at (502) 896-4711.
On the Morning of Your Procedure
In addition to the instructions above, follow the instructions for the specific cleanse product you are using.
You want your colon cleaned out before you leave for the hospital, so start early.
Prior to prep day
Prep day: Starting the day before your procedure
You must complete all steps below to be cleaned out properly:
Or, if your physician instructs:
Purchase the following a couple days before your procedure:
A clear liquid diet is necessary during the colonoscopy preparation to provide needed fluids. Clear liquids are easy to digest and leave little or no residue in the digestive tract.
Examples of clear liquids:
Examples of liquids not allowed:
You must complete all steps below to be properly prepared for your procedure.Prep day: Starting the day before your procedure
At 10 a.m., take four bisacodyl tabs (Dulcolax, Correctol).
At 2 p.m., drink the first bottle of magnesium citrate. This may be mixed with a glass of water or any clear liquid of your choice. Be sure to drink a lot of fluids.
At 6 p.m., drink the second bottle of magnesium citrate. Hang in there; you just finished the worst part of the whole procedure.
Do not eat or drink anything after midnight, or eight hours prior to your surgery (whichever is less).
Note: There may be store brands of these products that cost less. Ask the pharmacist for help locating what you need.
Prep day (starting the day before your procedure)
Clear liquid diet
1 p.m. – Take four bisacodyl (Dulcolax) tablets with a drink of clear liquids. Mix the Miralax in a 64-ounce bottle of Gatorade or another clear liquid of choice. Cap the bottle and shake the bottle to dissolve the powder. Many people prefer to chill the liquid in their refrigerator prior to drinking.
4 p.m. – Begin drinking your Miralax solution by drinking an 8-ounce glass every 15 to 20 minutes. Be sure to finish all of the liquid.
You will be on a modified liquid diet all day.
The MoviPrep kit contains four pouches and a disposable container for mixing.
Start drinking the solution at 6 p.m.
Your bowel movements should become transparent.
The day of your procedure
Beginning five to six hours before arriving at the hospital, empty the remaining pouches (A and B) into the disposable container.
Add lukewarm drinking water to the top of the container.
Mix well until the powder is dissolved.
The MoviPrep container has four marks on it. Every 15 minutes, drink the solution to the next mark until the full container is consumed. This will take an hour.
OsmoPrep is one of several options for preparing your bowel for a colonoscopy. When taken correctly in patients without certain medical conditions or who are taking certain medications, it has been found to be safe and effective. However, because of potential side effects that are not shared by other bowel prep choices, please read this information regarding OsmoPrep and its safety.
There have been reports of nephrocalcinosis following the use of OsmoPrep. Nephrocalcinosis happens when too much calcium is deposited in the kidneys. This can cause acute or chronic renal damage. The exact risk for nephrocalcinosis is not known, but it appears to be small. This injury can occur soon after using OsmoPrep or as long as one month afterward.
Patients with the following may be at increased risk:
If you choose to take OsmoPrep, you must stay hydrated before, during and after taking the prep. Follow the hydration guidelines included in the OsmoPrep instructions.
Proper preparation is important! Follow these instructions carefully.
Prior to starting prep
Drink 8 ounces of clear liquid every hour for six hours (48 ounces total) before taking the first dose of OsmoPrep.
Beginning at 5 p.m. on the day before your procedure, start your first regimen by taking with 8 ounces of any clear liquid. Repeat this every 15 minutes for a total of five doses (20 tablets).The day of your procedure
In the early morning on the day of your procedure, start your second regimen by taking four with 8 ounces of any clear liquid. Repeat every 15 minutes for a total of three doses (12 tablets).
You must complete the entire prep to ensure you are completely cleaned out.
After your procedure
After the procedure, drink 8 ounces of clear liquid every hour for six hours (48 ounces total).
Instructions for the Fleet Phospho-soda EZ-Prep kit are very detailed. Download the complete EZ-Prep detailed instructions.
One day before your procedure
Day of your procedure