CPA Lab Phone Numbers

Laboratory Leadership

Alan Elliott, system director, laboratory
(502) 736-4468

Al Martin, M.D., medical director, CPA Lab
(502) 736-4351

Jose Ilagan, director, finance
(502) 736-4462

Shanna B. Pollock, chief, anatomic pathology
(502) 893-1053

Tawnya Clark, manager, laboratory processing and phlebotomy
(502) 736-4376

Rebecca Corrigan, manager, cytology
(502) 736-4340

Lou Ann Eskildsen, manager, flow/cytometry lab
(502) 736-4386

Lisa Wilder, manager, client services and outreach
(502) 736-4345

April West, manager, CPA Lab facilities, and courier manager
(502) 736-4343

CPA Lab Main Office

Billing Department
(502) 897-9594, option 1

Client Services Department
(502) 736-4371

Clinical Processing
(502) 736-4395

CPA Lab Services

Cytology Department
(502) 897-9594, ext. 24231

Flow Cytometry on call
(502) 235-6928

Histology Department
(502) 736-4390

Immunohistochemistry Department
(502) 716-5584

Sheron Lear, cytometry research and development specialist
(502) 736-4394

Pathologists by Location

CPA Lab – Main Office(502) 897-9594
Joseph F. Annunziata, M.D.(502) 897-9594, ext. 24297
Rebecca Christensen, M.D.(502) 736-4353
Al Martin, M.D.(502) 736-4351
Tiffani M. Mathew, M.D.(502) 716-5594
Charles W. Myers, M.D.(502) 736-4375
Mark E. Richardson, M.D.(502) 736-4397
Mary Ann G. Sanders, M.D.(502) 736-4497
Krishna D. Shah, M.D.(502) 736-4396
Christine N. Sillings, M.D.(502) 736-4471
Sameer Talwalkar, M.D.(502) 736-4354
CPA Lab – Audubon(502) 636-7176
Grace Moore, M.D.(502) 636-7691
Lisa Willis-Frank, M.D.(502) 636-8776
Chris Wunderlich, M.D.(502) 636-7588
CPA Lab – Brownsboro(502) 446-8063
Emma Coronel, M.D.(502) 446-8074
Hilary Highfield, M.D.(502) 446-8072
John Williamson, M.D.(502) 446-8070
CPA Lab – Downtown(502) 629-7875
Timothy Jones, M.D.(502) 629-7121
George Kunz, M.D.(502) 629-7877
Mana Moghadamfalahi, M.D.(502) 629-7485
Michael R. Nowacki, M.D.(502) 629-7881
Elpidio Pena, M.D.(502) 629-3311
Luis Samayoa, M.D.(502) 629-7880
Jason Shen, M.D.(502) 629-7882
CPA Lab – St. Matthews(502) 893-1039
Houda Alatassi, M.D.(502) 893-1037
Robin Bideau, M.D.(502) 893-1042
Beatrice Lee, M.D.(502) 893-1062
John Powers, M.D.(502) 893-1043
Bennie Slucher, M.D.(502) 893-1036

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