Gynecology, Postpartum Care, Womens Health

Is it normal to have yellow discharge after birth?

The body goes through many changes after having a baby, and having some yellow discharge after birth is normal. This type of discharge is called “lochia.” It is part of the body’s way of healing itself after delivery, and it is a normal part of recovery after a vaginal birth or cesarean section (C-section). How…

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Breastfeeding, Labor and Delivery, New Parent, Obstetrics, Postpartum Care

Lactation consultants help mom achieve breastfeeding goal

During her pregnancy, Abbey Hutchason knew she wanted to breastfeed exclusively. She worried that extensive preparation might cause her anxiety during pregnancy. She hoped when the time came, she would know what to do. Abbey credits the Norton Healthcare lactation consultants who worked with her for helping with some of the challenges she experienced. In…

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Maternal-Fetal Medicine, New Parent, Obstetrics, Postpartum Care

Unexpected health issues after pregnancy can have long-term consequences

The “fourth trimester” of pregnancy — those months after childbirth — is a time to adjust to being a mom and an opportunity to check on your recovery from what had been an intense and challenging nine months for your body. Monitoring your health during this period is important because pregnancy can increase your risk…

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During Your Pregnancy, Expecting, Labor and Delivery, Obstetrics, Postpartum Care

Kentucky sets Maternal Health Awareness Day in effort to reduce pregnancy-related deaths

Kentucky is the fifth state to designate a day calling for action to raise public awareness about the importance of maternal health and to promote maternal safety. Jan. 23 has been set aside to educate the community and reduce maternal mortality statewide. The alarming rate of maternal mortality and the racial gap in pregnancy loss…

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New Parent, Obstetrics, Postpartum Care

Soothing postpartum vaginal soreness

After any vaginal delivery, you may have swelling and discomfort. If you had a vaginal tear or episiotomy with delivery, you may have stitches in the area as well as itching and soreness. “Soreness in the vaginal area usually will begin to ease over six to 12 weeks after birth,” said Kenneth J. Payne, M.D.,…

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New Parent, Obstetrics, Postpartum Care

How long after giving birth can you have sex?

Many factors can go into how long after giving birth you can have sex. Whether you delivered vaginally or via cesarean section, your body needs time to heal. Waiting at least six weeks after childbirth to have sexual intercourse is best. You’ll need to get clearance from your provider, because there are risks to having…

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Behavioral Health, Expecting, Labor and Delivery, New Parent, Obstetrics, Postpartum Care, Womens Health

Postpartum anxiety is different from depression: Watch for symptoms

Postpartum anxiety symptoms are different from those of postpartum depression, and new moms can have one condition and not the other. They also can have both at the same time. Worrying about a new baby is normal. Is she eating enough? Is he sleeping too much? Germs! And you’re not going to get enough sleep….

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Behavioral Health, During Your Pregnancy, Labor and Delivery, Obstetrics, Postpartum Care, Womens Health

Help prevent neonatal abstinence syndrome by talking to a loved one

According to the National Institute on Drug Abuse, there is a baby born with symptoms of neonatal abstinence syndrome (NAS) or neonatal opioid withdrawal syndrome (NOWS) every 15 minutes in the United States. It can be scary for pregnant women to seek treatment for substance use disorder due to fear of repercussions and possible stigma….

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