
Going to Kentucky Derby 2017? You really can say it’s exercise

If you’re going to Kentucky Derby 2017, you really can say it’s for the exercise. We’ve got you and your steps covered.

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News, Prevention and Wellness

Tales from the Poison Center: Granny’s pills aren’t candy

You know those idyllic family gatherings that dance in your head but never seem to materialize? Here’s mine from a few weeks ago: My mother-in-law and I are in the kitchen, up to our eyeballs in roast beef and potatoes, when we hear my 5-year-old say, “How come Daisy gets candy and I don’t?” I’m…

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Cancer, News

Breast cancer happens to millennials

While breast cancer in young women is rare, it happens. And it appears to be on the rise. The National Cancer Institute reports cases of younger women with advanced breast cancer have increased about 2 percent each year since the mid-1970s and show no signs of slowing down. Betsy Barefoot, 25, was diagnosed with breast…

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Neurosciences, News

Stroke 101: Don’t delay, get tPA

Among all treatments available to combat stroke, perhaps the most revolutionary is the drug alteplase, which is a tissue plasminogen activator also known as tPA. Basically, tPA is a “clot-buster.” It literally can stop a stroke as it is happening by breaking up the blockage and restoring blood flow to the brain. tPA is the…

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News, Patient stories - Norton Healthcare

Dawne Gee’s stroke scare

Dawne Gee, WAVE 3 News anchor and beloved local philanthropic supporter, was preparing for a busy Thanksgiving week last year. Little did she know her life would hang in the balance as she suffered a stroke on live TV. The week of the stroke, Gee knew something wasn’t right. She visited her rheumatologist, orthopedic specialist…

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Norton Healthcare is hiring this may

Norton Healthcare is holding interviews at the dates and locations listed below. Thursday, May 11 – R.N.s/LPNs: Open interviews, but you are encouraged to apply online ahead of time. 9 a.m. to noon. Norton Healthcare Human Resources 224 E. Broadway, second floor Downtown Louisville, Kentucky Tuesday, May 23 – All positions: Open interviews, but you…

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News, Patient stories - Norton Healthcare

Man’s life saved by quick action at finish line

Matt Murdock, 23, was nearing the end of this year’s Kentucky Derby Festival miniMarathon and went into a sprint. The race had been postponed due to rain for about an hour and a half, so Murdock, like all runners, was a bit hungry. He also didn’t have anything to drink until the first water stop….

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Finding Dr. Right

If you were to ask 100 people how important it is to find “Mr. or Ms. Right” most would likely say it’s very important. After all, who wants to build a relationship with someone who doesn’t share the same values, listen to you or care about your overall happiness and well-being? In many ways, the…

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Young breast cancer survivor honored at 11th Derby Divas

  On April 20, breast cancer survivor Betsy Barefoot was honored at the 11th annual Derby Divas event. In April 2016, Barefoot was diagnosed with breast cancer at just 24 years old. One month later she had a mastectomy, followed by chemotherapy just as she was about to start medical school. Thank you to Churchill…

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Kentucky Derby Marathon Training, News

Race-ready tips for marathon day

Are you running the Kentucky Derby Festival miniMarathon or Marathon? If so, congratulations! You’ve made it. This week, focus on fueling your body with the right foods and staying hydrated. Follow this simple meal plan the night before and day of your big race. Day before the race Give your body the nutrients it needs…

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Young breast cancer survivor honored at 11th Derby Divas

On April 20, breast cancer survivor Betsy Barefoot was honored at the 11th annual Derby Divas event. In April 2016, Barefoot was diagnosed with breast cancer at just 24 years old. One month later she had a mastectomy, followed by chemotherapy just as she was about to start medical school. Thank you to Churchill Downs,…

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Two volunteers who ensure Norton Hospital is always cheery and welcoming

Norton Hospital volunteers Shirley Beanblossom and Nancy Seymour first connected under the most trying of situations, encouraging and supporting each other as their spouses struggled with major illnesses. They have since formed a friendship that benefits hundreds of patients and families each year. “Shirley and I first met here at Norton Hospital,” Seymour said. “Both…

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