
What’s your genetic legacy?

To say I’m competitive is an understatement. When I was doing TV news I wanted to get the story first or be first in the ratings. When I was running, I wanted to be in the top five of my age group. At the gym, I wanted to hold a plank longer than anybody else…

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Prevention and Wellness, Recipes

Lively Salsa Meatballs Recipe

When you’re preparing healthy meals seven nights a week, it can be easy to get stuck in a food rut and serve the same meal over and over. At my house, we struggle with coming up with interesting meal ideas, and I feel like I am always asking myself, “What can we have that’s different?”…

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News, Recipes, Weekly Health Tip

4 healthy substitutes for your game day party

The “biggest game of the year” will be watched by millions on Sunday, Feb. 7. This big game day usually includes a party or two, complete with traditional game day foods such as chicken wings, potato skins, chips and dip, brownies and a variety of other delicious, but not so healthy options. If you’re watching…

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Cancer, Spirituality

Spirituality in the face of illness

Donald Vowels learned he had cancer in 2011. After years of rigorous treatment and follow-up, he celebrated being cancer-free in 2014 with a renewed appreciation for how precious life is. He resumed his favorite activities having learned to enjoy every moment. “I got back to life and was conscious of the fact that life and…

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Heart and Soul

To say the past 18 months of Lori Oliver’s life have been a challenge would be an understatement. She has faced death twice but believes she emerged stronger, smarter and empowered to help other women on similar journeys. In December 2014, Oliver, 57, just wasn’t feeling herself. She was experiencing a constant cough, which she…

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Breast Cancer, Cancer, Patient stories - Norton Healthcare

Jill Brzezinski-Conley

Norton Healthcare offers heartfelt condolences to Jill Brzezinski-Conley’s family and friends. We join with all those touched by Jill’s passion, determination and courage in saying she will be profoundly missed. The ability to live life fully on your own terms is a rare and precious gift. Jill cherished that gift in a way that can…

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Breastfeeding could save 800,000 babies

More than 800,000 children’s lives would be saved worldwide each year if nearly every mother breastfed her baby at birth, according to a study recently published in The Lancet. And because breastfeeding reduces the risk of breast cancer, this would also result in fewer women getting breast cancer. In addition, a recent policy statement by…

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Sports Health

Keeping kids in the game

With the summer youth baseball season in full swing, local sports medicine specialists are seeing a spike in elbow and shoulder injuries. “We are seeing so many young athletes in our office with orthopaedic injuries that I would call it an epidemic,” said Ryan J. Krupp, M.D., orthopaedic surgeon with Norton Orthopaedic Specialists – Brownsboro…

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Infectious Disease

What I learned from my staph infection

Since being hospitalized for a staph infection earlier this year, I’ve been surprised to learn how many of my friends and colleagues have had a similar experience. For most people, treatment with an antibiotic topical or prescription oral medication is sufficient to stop a skin infection. But for others, like me, taking an oral antibiotic…

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