Womens Health

To My Daughter: All About Your Period

Maybe you’ve already started talking to your daughter about menstruation. Maybe you’re wondering where to begin. Or even when to begin. Because girls are starting to menstruate at an earlier age than when we were young, it’s best to start talking about it by age 8, spread it out over several smaller conversations. Most girls…

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Neurosciences, Spirituality

How yoga can help if you have MS

The practice of letting go You know you should. Everybody says it’ll help you feel better. The hardest part is walking or rolling into the room that first time. The expectations, the ideas — let them go. Ignore the voices that say you must have a certain something or be a certain way and bring…

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Dancing with Heart

Molly Ann Lessig, a junior at Western Kentucky University, has a full course load this semester, yet never misses a beat with her outgoing personality and life on campus. She looks at challenges as opportunities. Lessig participates in various organizations on campus, but one — Dance Big Red — stands out and holds a special…

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3 reasons why your heart is in good hands at Audubon

You might be surprised to know that physicians, researchers and specialized nurses in our community are helping revolutionize heart care. Here are three reasons your heart is in good hands at Norton Audubon Hospital, where much of this work is happening. Groundbreaking research right here at home For nearly 30 years, research done under Norton…

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Prevention and Wellness

Infused Water

Drinking plenty of water is one of the best things for your child’s urinary and digestive systems. Drinking enough water — about 40 to 60 ounces per day for children ages 4 to 12 — helps flush bacteria from the urinary tract, which prevents infection and helps the digestive tract function regularly. Sprucing up your…

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Womens Health

1 thing women need to stop putting up with

It happens to just about every woman. Many just put up with it. But for some, like Angela Johnson, it’s enough to affect daily life in a big way. Johnson, 57, decided she was not going to put up with urine leakage any longer after having an accident while on vacation. Contrary to popular belief,…

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Norton Healthcare Foundation

Be the Bliss in Someone’s Life

In late July 2015, appendicitis led Mark Faulkner to the emergency department and an emergency appendectomy. During the procedure, doctors discovered he had a large tumor in his side, about the size of a banana. After immediate testing, Faulkner was diagnosed with Burkitt lymphoma, an aggressive form of cancer. He began receiving chemotherapy just one…

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Norton Cancer Institute gains national attention

Norton Cancer Institute is making a mark as an authority in treating blood cancers. Findings from two important clinical trials have been published in prestigious medical journals. In December 2015, the findings of a trial on chronic lymphocytic leukemia (CLL) were published in The New England Journal of Medicine. The study compared how well two…

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Norton Now, Recipes, Urology

5 power foods for better urinary health

Bananas and other high-fiber foods can be good for urinary tract health and preventing urinary tract infections by encouraging regular bowel movements and relieving pressure on urine flow. Here are five power foods to make sure you are getting into your diet to help with UTIs and for better urinary health. 1 – Water. Drinking…

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Womens Health

Why you should be thinking about your bones

Walking on the beach. Lifting a bag of groceries. Bending over to do spring gardening. We all need strong bones to keep up with life’s everyday activities, whether it’s work, play or the adventures in between. Yet people with osteoporosis, a disease that makes bones brittle and weak, may have to think twice about activities…

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Prevention and Wellness

Take charge of your heart health

According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, uncontrolled high blood pressure is the leading cause of heart disease and stroke. Because many times it has no symptoms, high blood pressure is called the silent killer. If you know you have high blood pressure (also called hypertension), take these steps to get it under…

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Expecting, Obstetrics

Pregnancy Journey: First Trimester Woes

My friends, co-workers and family will tell you I’m crazy because I want a million kids. All rationale goes out the window when someone asks me how many kids I want. I usually say I would love four, will probably have three, but if finances weren’t an issue would have many, many more. So soon…

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