As a leader in cancer treatment for patients in the surrounding region, Norton Healthcare sees a wide variety of cancers and countless patients who are in need of treatment and care. Norton Women’s & Children’s Hospital’s rehabilitation clinic, Norton Specialty Rehabilitation, is the primary clinic within the Norton system to provide rehabilitation services to patients with an oncology diagnosis

The Norton Specialty Rehab team is currently working towards certification through the Physiological Oncology Rehabilitation Institute (PORi).  PORi is a leader in oncology rehabilitation for all disciplines; physical, occupational, and speech therapies. They provide educational resources and certification courses to therapists that cover “the latest evidence-based research and thorough scientific understanding of the physiological impact of cancer.” Currently our therapists have undergone the Foundation in Oncology Rehabilitation coursework which educates the therapist in the “unique clinical profile of oncology patients that will be both applicable and necessary for effective practice.”

Norton Neuroscience Institute Cressman Neurological Rehabilitation Providers
Norton Neurosciences and Spine Rehabilitation Center Providers
Norton Specialty Rehabilitation Services Providers

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