Behavioral Health, Dementia, Memory, Neurosciences

Dementia risk increases dramatically after age 60 — here’s what to watch for

Symptoms of dementia in older adults aren’t reflected in the occasional mental slip, but a more substantial decline — the kind of drop in mental ability that interferes with daily activities and affects independence. Misplacing a pen or forgetting someone’s name is a normal loss of memory for someone who is older. Symptoms of dementia…

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Behavioral Health, Multiple Sclerosis, Neurosciences

Taking care of yourself can affect multiple sclerosis progression and lifespan

Living with multiple sclerosis (MS) often means paying attention to wellness and diet, since taking care of yourself can affect disease progression — even lifespan. Wellness is essential to modifying the disease course, treating relapses, managing symptoms and promoting safety and independence. People living with MS can consider physical activity and diet as another kind…

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Behavioral Health, Norton Community Medical Associates

Stress about COVID: It’s not just you

The burden of fear and anxiety that comes with the COVID-19 pandemic, along with its guidelines, quarantines and worry about what risks to take, have been a rollercoaster for us all. Millions got vaccinated and restrictions were loosened, but the surge caused by variants brings a lot of uncertainty and along with another surge of…

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Behavioral Health, Norton Community Medical Associates, Norton Now

Taking steps to reverse a pandemic drinking habit

Cutting back after a year of quarandrinking? Increased or excessive alcohol use during stressful times is not uncommon. If you’re looking to dry out, here’s what you need to know about drinking less after the pandemic and some warning signs to look out for when it comes to alcohol withdrawal, which can be a serious…

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Behavioral Health, Norton Now, Sleep Medicine

Chronic fatigue treatment starts by ruling out other causes of your symptoms

Treating chronic fatigue syndrome (also known as myalgic encephalomyelitis or ME/CFS) starts with getting the right diagnosis. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, about 90% of those with chronic fatigue aren’t diagnosed, as the illness often is misunderstood and mimics common illnesses that usually get better without treatment. Chronic fatigue treatment options…

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Behavioral Health, Sports Health

Partnership series addresses mental health and performance in student-athletes

Student-athletes may face unique challenges when it comes to educational, cultural, and psycho-social experiences. A collaboration among Norton Sports Health, the University of Louisville athletics department, KORT physical therapy and Jefferson County Public Schools is helping educate student-athletes, parents, athletic trainers, administrators and coaches about mental health issues faced by student-athletes. Trends in mental health…

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Behavioral Health, Multiple Sclerosis, Neurosciences

Emotional and behavioral therapy for patients with MS

The link between mental health and chronic illness, such as multiple sclerosis (MS), is complex and might seem overwhelming. But Norton Neuroscience Institute is expanding its work to address the common stress and mental health concerns in managing MS. Norton Neuroscience Institute offers comprehensive care, including behavioral medicine services, to patients with MS. MS and…

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Behavioral Health, COVID19, Faith and Health Ministries, Health & Wellness

Let’s redeem the past year and make a new future

Let’s face it, it’s been a rough year: COVID-19, politics, racial tensions, nontraditional instruction, weather. … Now, add whatever got dumped on you. It’s completely understandable if you’re feeling weary. Good news! There are things you can do, things that are actually pretty easy to do that you’ll enjoy and will help. Look for heroes…

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Behavioral Health, During Your Pregnancy, Expecting, Obstetrics

Perinatal depression: What women should know

According to the American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists (ACOG), perinatal depression, or depression that happens during and after pregnancy, is one of the most common medical complications during pregnancy and the postpartum period. ACOG estimates it affects 1 in 7 women —  left untreated, it can affect the health of the mother, baby and…

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Behavioral Health, Neurosciences

Managing stress and anxiety at the holidays

Holidays can be a joyful time but also a time to cause extra mental stress and anxiety. Bryan Davis, Psy.D., clinical health psychologist with Norton Neuroscience Institute, discusses some ways to manage feelings you experience around the holidays. RELATED: Mental health is as important as physical health. If you need mental health help, here are…

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Behavioral Health, Cancer, Womens Health

Sexual health during cancer treatment

Changes in sexual health may not be top of mind when you’ve been diagnosed with cancer, but it might be more important than you expect. It’s important to talk to your health care providers about sexual health and cancer. Cancer treatment and sexual health Depending on the treatment you are given, sexual side effects range…

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Behavioral Health, COVID19, Migraine and Headaches, Neurosciences

Stress and coronavirus pandemic may be driving uptick in migraine attacks

If the last several months have given you a headache, you’re not alone. Brian M. Plato, D.O., FAHS, neurologist and headache specialist with Norton Neuroscience Institute, warns that the outbreak of the coronavirus/COVID-19 may be playing a role in a recent increase in migraine cases. “We have seen a slight uptick, and we believe this…

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