Behavioral Health, Expecting, Labor and Delivery, New Parent, Obstetrics, Postpartum Care, Womens Health

Postpartum anxiety is different from depression: Watch for symptoms

Postpartum anxiety symptoms are different from those of postpartum depression, and new moms can have one condition and not the other. They also can have both at the same time. Worrying about a new baby is normal. Is she eating enough? Is he sleeping too much? Germs! And you’re not going to get enough sleep….

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Behavioral Health, COVID19, Infectious Disease

Coping with anxiety amid the COVID-19 pandemic

Everyday life largely has come to a halt as social distancing has been urged to curb the spread of coronavirus disease (COVID-19). This disruption, compounded by anxiety over health risks and the rapidly evolving circumstances of the pandemic, increases many people’s feelings of powerlessness and dread. Having a plan to cope with these stressors, however,…

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Behavioral Health, Epilepsy, Neurosciences

Epilepsy and depression often come together

There is a strong relationship between epilepsy and depression. The two come together so often that there are suspicions that brain changes that make people more susceptible to seizures also can bring on depression. In a study of adults, researchers found that those with epilepsy were twice as likely as adults without epilepsy to report…

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Behavioral Health, During Your Pregnancy, Labor and Delivery, Obstetrics, Postpartum Care, Womens Health

Help prevent neonatal abstinence syndrome by talking to a loved one

According to the National Institute on Drug Abuse, there is a baby born with symptoms of neonatal abstinence syndrome (NAS) or neonatal opioid withdrawal syndrome (NOWS) every 15 minutes in the United States. It can be scary for pregnant women to seek treatment for substance use disorder due to fear of repercussions and possible stigma….

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Behavioral Health, Go Confidently

Learning how to let go of grudges for your health

Do you hold a grudge? If you do, you might want to think about letting go for the sake of your health. Author Megan Feldman Bettencourt, the October 2019 speaker at the Norton Healthcare Go Confidently series, spoke of the effects anger and resentment can have on your health. “We know that when we’re holding…

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Behavioral Health, Behavioral Oncology, Breast Cancer, Cancer, Womens Health

A breast cancer diagnosis can have a lingering impact on mental health for some

A diagnosis of breast cancer often comes as a shock, and adjusting to the news and coming to terms with treatment decisions are very difficult. One may go through a range of emotions, including disbelief, anger, anxiety and fear. While these are all natural responses, for some, the fear can be so extreme that it poses…

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Behavioral Health, Breast Health, Cancer, Prevention and Wellness, Womens Health

3D mammograms can mean fewer unnecessary callbacks and less anxiety

Dense breast tissue can make it hard to find cancers on mammograms because dense tissue and cancers both look white on a mammogram. By comparison, fatty tissue looks dark. In Kentucky, physicians are required to tell women if they have dense breast tissue. Whether a woman needs to consider additional screening options depends on her…

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Behavioral Health, Neurosciences, Stroke

After a stroke, depression and anxiety a concern for many

Anxiety or depression after a stroke is common. Not only do the many immediate challenges facing survivors affect their emotional well-being, but physical and chemical changes in the brain can have an impact as well. Addressing depression and anxiety post-stroke is important and can play a major role in the success of therapies and recovery….

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Behavioral Health, Heart, News

Linking stress to your heart health isn’t a far stretch

  If you are experiencing stress or not handling your stress with healthy tools, it may affect your heart health. When the body feels stress, the natural reaction is to release adrenaline and cortisol, hormones that can cause your breathing and heart rate to speed up and your blood pressure to rise. Many know this…

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Behavioral Health, Suicide

Recent celebrity suicides bring awareness and discussion of how family and friends can help

  After two high-profile deaths, calls and texts to crisis hotlines have risen by 65 percent. The deaths have many people talking about suicide. Were there warning signs family and friends could have missed? The American Foundation for Suicide Prevention says there is never a single cause for suicide. In a statement on its website…

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Behavioral Health, Go Confidently

11 more habits for a healthier, happier life

This content was originally published on Published here courtesy of Blue Zones and Tony Buettner. From our research in the healthiest and happiest places in the world, here are some habits to take up in 2018 —they’ll enrich your life and boost your health and happiness levels too. Don’t try all of the things…

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Behavioral Health, News, Suicide

Finding a light of hope in darkness

Suicide leaves a lot of hurt, sadness, guilt and confusion in its wake. The tragic end of one life is the beginning of an emotional tornado that can be difficult to weather for the many loved ones left behind. “How did I not see the signs?” “What could I have done?” are questions with no…

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