Becoming a dad was Jerad Millay’s greatest source of pride. But when his son began taking those first precious steps, he realized he needed to take a different step, too. Years of unhealthy habits sapped his energy and left him wondering — at just age 26 — if he’d be around long term for his…
If you’re thinking about bariatric surgery to take control of your weight and your health, you probably have questions. Maybe you’re wondering what you need to do to prepare for surgery, what to expect during surgery, and what care you will receive after surgery. We’ve got your answers. Here are eight steps on your journey…
Brisbane, Australia, and Louisville, Kentucky,might be more similar than you think. The residents of both cities love horses, have a river running along or through them and are places Jeff W. Allen, M.D., bariatric surgeon with Norton Weight Management Services, has called home. After graduating from Centre College in Danville, Kentucky, and studying medicine at…
I’m 46. Well, my friend is 46. She doesn’t have kids. She works out regularly and has an active life. She eats well most of the time, yet with every year that passes the scale keeps creeping up, despite maintaining the usual routine that has kept her fit for years. And the extra weight is…
People are motivated to lose weight for different reasons. For some it’s a big occasion looming in the near future — perhaps a wedding or beach vacation. For others, their physician may be urging them to drop a few pounds after the number on the scale creeps a little too high. Emily Chambers found her…
Traveling is something many look forward to during the summer months. However, it can be easy to let your eating habits slip and choose convenient, unhealthy options while on the road or in the airport — leading to vacation weight gain. “It is very easy to gain weight during travel,” said Hope Theiss, licensed and registered…
January got off to a rough start. On top of the post-holiday blues and bitter cold that sat on top of our city, I resolved to spend the month alcohol-free as well as carb, dairy, bean, sugar, soda, chocolate and everything-else-that’s-good-free. I’m combining “Dry January” with Whole30 — a “clean eating” way of looking at…
After starting a medically supervised weight-loss program, Marc Poe lost 125 pounds (including 60 lost during the 12-week program), Poe loves playing basketball with friends. He walks about 20,000 steps a day and is making healthier food choices. He shared some lessons learned that helped him go from “zero willpower” to “I can do this”:…
Marc Poe, age 39, has struggled with weight most of his life. He grew up “a chunky kid” in a single-parent home in West Virginia. “Between my mom and my grandmother the recipe for love and comfort was plenty of sugar, fat and carbs,” Poe said. Poe weighed 300 pounds in high school (big even…
Every now and then you read something that truly resonates with you. Whether it is a poem, a magazine article or a selfhelp book, the words find a way to motivate you or affirm a decision you have made. Amy Hunchman, a scheduler with Norton Medical Group, found her most recent affirmation in a blog…
Carbohydrate (carb) cycling is a diet strategy that’s becoming increasingly popular. Some say it’s an effective way to lose excess weight. Nutritional experts say not so fast. When you carb cycle, you alternate days of eating a lot of carbs with other days of eating few or no carbs. Although trendy, carb cycling isn’t new….
Exercise — we know it’s good for us. But just how good is it? The benefits are pretty impressive. For example, regular physical activity can help you: Maintain your weight Feel happier Sleep better Improve your memory Control your blood pressure Lower LDL (bad) cholesterol and raise HDL (good) cholesterol Yet, even though we know…