How long will you have to stay in the hospital after weight loss surgery? The average is two to five days, but a Louisville doctor is getting most patients home the day after bariatric surgery. There are several types of weight loss surgery. Laparoscopic sleeve gastrectomy (LSG) restricts a patient’s stomach capacity and limits the…
Struggling with weight gain during the pandemic? You’re not alone. According to the American Psychological Association, 61% of American adults say they have experienced undesired weight changes, including weight gain, in the last year. In a cruel twist, people who are overweight are more likely to develop serious illness if they get COVID-19. ‘Quarantine 15’…
For some, the choice to have gastric sleeve surgery and then actually go through with it may be a monthslong or yearslong process. Not so for Devin Gehrke, R.N., clinical nurse educator at Norton Women’s & Children’s Hospital. From the moment she considered vertical sleeve gastrectomy to her recovery from it was about six months….
Quality of life after gastric sleeve or gastric bypass surgery can improve significantly and be long-lasting, according to studies of patients before and after weight-loss surgery. In questionnaires filled out before surgery, six months after and 24 months after, patients reported significantly better quality of life after gastric sleeve or gastric bypass. The study also…
Patients who are overweight or obese potentially can benefit from a medication approved for long-term weight management. Four weight loss medications — Contrave, Qsymia, Saxenda and Xenical — that have been approved since 2012 give weight management physicians a lot more tools to help treat obesity. Prior to 2012, we didn’t have as much to…
Patients receive extensive counseling on diet and behavioral issues at Norton Weight Management Services before and after bariatric surgery to maximize their chance for a successful outcome. Prior to surgery, all patients undergo a detailed readiness assessment. They see a nurse, a licensed clinical social worker and a dietitian, who evaluate their readiness to change….
When you ask Renee Beard when her issues with weight and emotional eating began, she’ll say, “At birth.” That’s why, after years of dieting and decades of an unhealthy relationship with food, she decided she’d had enough. In 2013, at the age of 42, Renee had the gastric sleeve surgery that changed her life forever….
Lori Lively’s gradual seven-year weight gain after an automobile accident raised her blood pressure, elevated her blood sugar level to diabetic range and worsened an existing heart condition. After the wreck and later, a hysterectomy, Lori’s once active lifestyle slowed and her food choices started affecting her weight. On her petite 5-foot frame, even a…
For those thinking of starting the new year by shedding some pounds to reach a healthier weight, our weight management specialists have broken down some pros and cons to help you decide what is the best diet for you. Whole30 Pros Increased energy Possible weight loss Possible improved health from identifying foods that cause skin…
If you’re ready to get serious about adopting a healthy heart diet, you don’t need to deprive yourself, and you don’t need the latest fad. Eating wholesome foods is a simple lifestyle change that can make a huge difference to your heart. Eat any of these foods instead of high-calorie, high-added-sugar foods or drinks, and…
You’ve probably noticed that when you don’t get a good night’s sleep, the next day your whole routine is out of whack. Research has uncovered that part of this is due to an imbalance in metabolism caused by sleep deprivation. There’s a link between sleep and weight gain: When you don’t get enough sleep, hunger and appetite…
Congratulations to Meredith C. Sweeney, M.D., for being named to Louisville Business First’s “Forty Under 40” list. Dr. Sweeney is a general, bariatric and laparoscopic surgeon with Norton Surgical Specialists; she sees bariatric surgery patients at Norton Weight Management Services. The “Forty Under 40” list honors young professionals who exemplify excellence within their professional and…