Ivy-jai and her family exercise at home for good health

Ivy-jai is an energetic 2-year-old who loves the camera and exercises every day, so it’s only natural her mother would enter a video of the girl in Norton Healthcare’s Every Kid Healthy Challenge.

Author: David Steen Martin

Published: January 21, 2022

Estimated reading time: 3 minutes

Ivy-jai is an energetic 2-year-old who loves the camera and exercises every day, so it’s only natural her mother would enter a video of the girl in Norton Healthcare’s Every Kid Healthy Challenge.

“On your mark, get set, go!” the toddler’s father says in the video, and Ivy-jai runs across the living room into his arms. “Who’s the fastest baby in the world?”

“Me!” Ivy-jai responds, naturally.

The video was picked as the contest winner, and Ivy-jai (pronounced I-vee-Jay) and her family won a one-year pass to the Louisville Zoo and free registration to the Norton Children’s Hospital Splash ‘n’ Dash Walk/Run.

“It’s super cool to win something,” said Kelly Clark, Ivy-jai’s mother. “We were super excited. We posted it all over Facebook.”

Kelly heard about the Every Kid Healthy Challenge from family doctor Steven Patton, D.O., one of the Norton Healthcare community medical directors supporting the challenge as part of the GetHealthy502 initiative. Dr. Patton sees patients at Norton Community Medical Associates – Preston.

According to Kelly, the family didn’t set out to make a video for the contest.

“Really, we were just playing with my daughter,” Kelly said. “We were practicing running and jumping for balance. She literally just runs and jumps several times a day in our living room. We want to make sure she’s moving both arms when she’s running and both feet when she’s jumping.”

Ivy-jai has Erb’s palsy, which inhibits movement in her left arm.

In addition to exercising at their Louisville home, Ivy-jai also goes to physical and occupational therapy once a week at Norton Children’s Hospital, where she works on strength, range of motion and balance. The exercise and the therapy are helping, according to Kelly.

Norton Community Medical Associates

Regular checkups, eating healthy and getting exercise are part of growing up healthy.

Primary care

Kelly often takes videos of Ivy-jai’s therapy sessions and posts them on Facebook, so she was videotaping when Ivy-jai ran across the living room in the winning video.

Trying to maintain a healthy lifestyle isn’t limited to young Ivy-jai, according to Kelly. She said that as a family, they have been trying to maintain a low-carb/high-protein diet for the past year. Kelly said she has lost 23 pounds.

Kelly also tries to do cardio workouts a couple of times a week. She has switched from a personal trainer to YouTube hip-hop video workouts, which she does with her sister.

“I’ve altered my eating habits and maintained the weight loss for a year,” said Kelly, 38, a social worker. “It feels good to put on my clothes, and they fit like they’re supposed to.”

GetHealthy502 family activities

Mindfulness Monday – Try streaming yoga classes as a family or deep breathing exercises and stretches. Take time during the day to give each family member a positive affirmation.

Tastebud Tuesday – Prepare a healthy meal or snack at home as a family and eat together without distractions.

Wellness Wednesday – Have a family game night. Turn off devices and play indoor balloon volleyball, hide-and-seek or another game.

Thoughtful Thursday – Go for a walk outside and complete a random act of kindness, whether it’s picking up a piece of litter or waving to a neighbor.

Fitness Friday – Take 30 minutes to do some family fitness. Go to a playground, try a game of tag, family speed-walking competition, have a kitchen dance break or make an indoor obstacle course.