Cancer, Employee stories - Norton Healthcare, Hematology

Science and empathy: Dr. Agrawal mixes leading-edge cancer care with the human side of healing

When Laila S. Agrawal, M.D., was a child, her mother was diagnosed with breast cancer. She underwent surgery and chemotherapy, and became a cancer survivor. “I saw what she went through, and it really influenced me. I was drawn to medicine and from the beginning knew I would go into oncology,” said Dr. Agrawal, a…

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Heart, Heart Failure, Patient stories - Norton Healthcare

Rare type of heart failure hits new mom just after having a baby

After 10 years of trying for a second child, Amanda Slayton and her husband, Scott, were jubilant when they conceived their son Seth. Born in February 2018, he is every parent’s prayer — happy, healthy and undemanding. In ways they couldn’t have predicted, their baby’s good nature has been a godsend to the Slaytons. Less…

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Flu, Infectious Disease, News, Prevention and Wellness

Flu prevention when it’s already in your home

It’s hard to watch a child or spouse suffer through flu symptoms like fever, aches, chills and headache. While you may be happy to bring your loved one soup or pick up the tissues, you may also be wondering how you’re going to stay well surrounded by all those germs. Maybe he or she is…

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Cancer, Hematology

Sickle cell anemia treatment advances showing promise

Breakthroughs in gene therapy are starting to bring new reason for hope to patients with sickle cell anemia. The inherited blood disease can cause severe pain, strokes, organ damage and sometimes premature death. The disease is more common in people of African descent. One in 12 African Americans carry a sickle cell gene, according to…

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New Mom, New Parent, News

Free breastfeeding support for moms

Breastfeeding may come easy for some, but others struggle. Some of mothers’ biggest concerns are about latching on, supply, whether baby is eating enough, and issues with the breast including mastitis, engorgement and clogged ducts. If you have a MyNortonChart account, you have access to free, face-to-face secure video visits with a provider for breastfeeding…

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News, Orthopedics

When a torn meniscus won’t heal, surgery may be needed

If you’ve been struggling with a stiff and swollen knee that may be difficult to straighten or is sometimes painful when twisting, you may have a torn meniscus. Your physician can diagnose it and will likely prescribe rest, ice and medication to relieve the pain and allow the injury to heal. However, some meniscus tears…

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Preventing food poisoning at your big game party shouldn’t be a Hail Mary

With football’s biggest day just around the corner, Erin Wiedmer, clinical nutritionist with Norton Healthcare’s employee wellness program, shares important information to help you stay healthy and keep your guests healthy. You may have never worried about safe food handling, but consider Erin’s advice. “Preventing food poisoning is one of those things you don’t care…

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News, Planning Your Pregnancy, Womens Health

What is PCOS? Polycystic ovary syndrome is common and treatable

If you have erratic periods and have tried — and struggled — to get pregnant, you could be living with polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS) but not realize it, according to R. Paige Walker, M.D., an OB/GYN with Norton Women’s Specialists. Early diagnosis could significantly reduce your chances for lifelong health problems. PCOS is a common…

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News, Prevention and Wellness

What to look for and what to do if you suspect frostbite

If you’ve ever waited for a bus when the wind-chill is below zero, you understand why some school districts cancel classes on days when there is no ice or snow, but simply dangerously low temperatures. Frostbite happens when the body is injured by freezing, leaving a loss of feeling and color in the body’s extremities –…

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Endovascular Neurosurgery, Heart, Neurosciences, News, Stroke

Comprehensive Stroke System offers the highest level of care when time matters

We’ve all heard “time is money” and “time heals all wounds.” What about this one? “Time lost is brain lost.” Treating a stroke quickly can mean the difference between recovery and irreversible brain damage, or even death, according to Bryan J. Eckerle, M.D., neurologist with Norton Neurology Services, and Tom L. Yao, M.D., endovascular neurosurgeon…

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News, Prevention and Wellness

What age is the MMR vaccine given to fight measles, mumps and rubella?

The Kentucky Department for Public Health recommends the following MMR vaccine schedule by age to prevent measles. All children ages 12 months and older who have not received the measles, mumps and rubella (MMR) vaccine should get the first dose as soon as possible. A second MMR dose is routinely recommended between age 4 and 6…

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Cardiology, Heart, Heart Attack

What’s the link between a heart attack and blood pressure?

High blood pressure puts extra strain on the heart and arteries. Years of untreated high blood pressure and the strain it puts on artery walls creates places for cholesterol to build up and form hardened patches of plaque. If the plaque ruptures, bits and pieces enter the bloodstream, where they can form blood clots. High…

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