News, Prevention and Wellness

To call or not: 911 for an overdose

Recent reports of a spike in drug overdoses, possibly due to an extremely toxic batch of heroin, raise the question of whether you should call 911 or attempt to drive a victim to the hospital yourself. Robert Couch, M.D., emergency medicine, says the answer is easy. “Always call 911, since an ambulance will have the…

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News, Sports Health

Armchair quarterbacking an injury?

Fall sports season means it’s sports injury season, too. Whether you’re a parent, coach or player, you’re probably seeing an increase in bumps, bruises and other minor injuries this time of year. Here are the most common fall sports injuries and how to handle them. Ankle, knee and wrist sprains Follow the RICE approach: Rest…

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Cancer, News

Is early prostate testing overkill?

The debate about the effectiveness of testing for prostate cancer still lingers, leaving prevention-minded guys puzzled about the facts. And understandably so, according to Matthew J. Fargen, M.D., Norton Community Medical Associates – Fincastle: “It’s a very complicated subject.” But because it is the most common cancer in men (after skin cancer), screening for it…

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EpiPen price hike

If you have severe allergies, you probably have been following the news about the EpiPen price hike. The syringe that carries an emergency dose of epinephrine can mean the difference between life and death in the event of an allergic reaction to foods such as nuts, eggs and shellfish, or a spider bite or bee…

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News, Recipes

9 simple uses for chia seeds

The chia seed’s name instantly brings to mind a catchy refrain from a TV commercial. Cha-cha-cha-chia! But this chia is no pet. It’s a tiny seed packed with a wallop of health benefits. Chia seeds are harvested from the Salvia hispanica plant, a type of plant in the mint family. The word chia means “strength”…

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Puppies of Norton

Think Norton Healthcare just employs humans? Think again. In addition to a team of talented doctors, nurses and other medical professionals, we have a pack of pooches committed to helping patients and their families during their time with us. In honor of National Dog Day, meet some of our four-legged rock stars: George Boxer mix…

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News, Recipes

Summer & fall collide: Apple Pie Smoothie

Though it still feels like the endless summer, apple season is here! And who doesn’t love apple pie? Now you can enjoy everything you love about apple pie in a much healthier and easier way! This smoothie recipe mixes your favorite flavors with good-for-you ingredients, making this a perfect morning treat or anytime snack. Apple…

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Dogs for kids

Think the children’s hospital just employs humans? Think again. In addition to a team of talented doctors, nurses and other medical professionals who take care of children, we have a pack of pooches committed to helping patients and their families during their time with us. In honor of National Dog Day, meet some of our…

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Child Abuse Prevention, News

Doctor describes horrors of sex abuse

***This article includes graphic details*** As a medical resident, I saw a 4-year-old girl with a large tear in her vagina that required surgery to put it back together. I couldn’t image what had happened. The family said she fell on the top of a plunger. The examination (and common sense) said otherwise. The mother’s…

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News, Prevention and Wellness

Get the lead out

  Louisville is renowned for its delicious drinking water. In fact, our H2O was named “best-tasting tap water in America” by the American Water Works Association in both 2008 and 2013. So, if it tastes so good and refreshing, then it must be clean, safe and healthy, right? That’s the million-dollar question following the tainted…

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News, Obstetrics

Have breast milk, will travel

If you are a breastfeeding mom, you know it can be challenging at times, especially when you are on the go. But with a little humor and flexibility, it doesn’t have to be. We asked several moms to share their most challenging experiences breastfeeding their babies while traveling, and advice on how they got through…

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Obstetrics, Uncategorized

Movin’ & groovin’ into the 3rd trimester

I am now seven months pregnant and Baby B. is pretty cozy, growing and moving. A lot has happened over the past few months of pregnancy, and I’ve finally had time to reflect on it all while growing a human. During our 14-week ultrasound we got to see Baby B. move! His or her little…

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