
Norton Cancer Institute gains national attention

Norton Cancer Institute is making a mark as an authority in treating blood cancers. Findings from two important clinical trials have been published in prestigious medical journals. In December 2015, the findings of a trial on chronic lymphocytic leukemia (CLL) were published in The New England Journal of Medicine. The study compared how well two…

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Norton Now, Recipes, Urology

5 power foods for better urinary health

Bananas and other high-fiber foods can be good for urinary tract health and preventing urinary tract infections by encouraging regular bowel movements and relieving pressure on urine flow. Here are five power foods to make sure you are getting into your diet to help with UTIs and for better urinary health. 1 – Water. Drinking…

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Womens Health

Why you should be thinking about your bones

Walking on the beach. Lifting a bag of groceries. Bending over to do spring gardening. We all need strong bones to keep up with life’s everyday activities, whether it’s work, play or the adventures in between. Yet people with osteoporosis, a disease that makes bones brittle and weak, may have to think twice about activities…

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Prevention and Wellness

Take charge of your heart health

According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, uncontrolled high blood pressure is the leading cause of heart disease and stroke. Because many times it has no symptoms, high blood pressure is called the silent killer. If you know you have high blood pressure (also called hypertension), take these steps to get it under…

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Expecting, Obstetrics

Pregnancy Journey: First Trimester Woes

My friends, co-workers and family will tell you I’m crazy because I want a million kids. All rationale goes out the window when someone asks me how many kids I want. I usually say I would love four, will probably have three, but if finances weren’t an issue would have many, many more. So soon…

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More adults with congenital heart disease

When Hannah Reed was 5, her pediatrician listened to her heart and heard something abnormal. A visit to Robert Solinger, M.D., a now retired pediatric cardiologist with University of Louisville Physicians, resulted in a diagnosis of bicuspid aortic valve stenosis, a congenital heart disease. The aortic valve regulates blood flow from the heart into the…

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Acute Stroke Intervention

One day after her knee surgery, Phyllis Atzinger experienced a stroke while in the hospital recovering. Luckily she was in the right place at the right time. Her neurosurgeon, Shervin Dashti, M.D., Ph.D., with Norton Neuroscience Institute, explains how he stopped the stroke from damaging Atzinger’s brain using a minimally invasive and highly successful approach,…

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Prevention and Wellness, Spirituality

Tapping Into Your Spirit for Better Health

Do you have a purpose in life? Do you believe in something greater than yourself? Julie Haber, spiritual wellness provider from Canyon Ranch Health Resort in Tucson, Arizona, says all of us have a spiritual side we may not know about. She says finding that part of yourself and putting it to use may help…

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Grateful for Second Chances

In May 2015, Micheal White, severely short of breath, rushed to the emergency room at Norton Brownsboro Hospital. Chest X-rays revealed fluid in his lungs. He was hospitalized overnight so doctors could monitor him and run more tests. The next day, Micheal got the earth-shattering news: He had stage 4 lung cancer. A chaplain came…

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Should you eat your placenta: Yes or no?

Perhaps you heard that Hollywood celebrity Kim Kardashian ate her placenta after the birth of her second child. You can get the horror movie-style images out of your head. The placenta was freeze-dried and put into pill form to be consumed over several months. There are claims that if you ingest your placenta, it can…

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Walking Meditation

Don’t think you can sit still long enough to meditate? Consider meditation in action — walking meditation. In this video, explore what walking meditation is like. Hear a nurse navigator from Norton Cancer Institute describe the many benefits to body, mind and soul, whether you are dealing with a health issue or could just use…

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Womens Health

Menopause: A time to renew your spirit

Every woman will face menopause at some point, whether it comes naturally as part of the aging process or is induced due to circumstances beyond the woman’s control, such as hysterectomy. Menopause tends to occur in three phases: perimenopause, menopause and post-menopause. Perimenopause occurs before the end of menstruation. Some women may experience significant changes…

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