Prevention and Wellness

Feeling bad? Don’t rule out flu just yet

Just when you thought the flu season was over, the virus seems to be holding on. Last week, the number of cases diagnosed in Norton Immediate Care Centers nearly doubled. And just to complicate things, colds are making the rounds and environmental allergens are right behind. So how do you know if you have the…

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Braving brain surgery while awake

Three years ago, 23-year-old Amber Neal was feeling the glow of her first pregnancy, anxiously awaiting the joyous event of her son’s birth. But something odd and troubling cast a pall over the Mayfield, Kentucky, resident: Without warning her right eye would twitch uncontrollably, her mouth would draw up and she was unable to speak…

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Prevention and Wellness

Mumps: Coming to a campus near you?

Local cases of mumps may have people wondering why the virus seems to be targeting college students. Spread through saliva or mucus, mumps can be transmitted though coughing, sneezing and shared cups and eating utensils, or by touching certain objects with unwashed hands. Sounds just like life in a college dorm. “This virus has a…

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Prevention and Wellness

Super Lice on the Loose

If just the thought of lice makes you itch or gives you the heebie-jeebies, don’t fret. While this strain of “super lice” may be more difficult to treat, you can get rid of them. Be ready to check the heads in your household and call your pediatrician if the critters try to move in. What…

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Finding a bone marrow donor

In August 2012, Phil Meeks, now 47 years old, went to the doctor with shortness of breath and pain in his legs. He thought the pain was related to smoking cigarettes. The news he received was shocking. Not only was he diagnosed with acute myeloid leukemia, he was given just 30 days to live unless…

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Cancer patient, doctor become running buds

Carroll Grossman, a 71-year-old distance runner, felt in the best shape of her life when she found a lump in her left breast and was diagnosed with stage 2 breast cancer. At first, she denied it. “I have always been about good health and couldn’t believe this was happening to me,” she said. “After the…

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Expecting, Obstetrics

Pregnancy Journey: When to share your news

Just like clockwork, at 13 weeks, I got my energy back, the nausea disappeared and I rejoined my family as the mom and wife I was before. Unfortunately, some killer headaches and migraines replaced all my other symptoms in the second trimester, but I’ve learned to manage those with Tylenol, a little peppermint essential oil,…

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Womens Health

To My Daughter: All About Your Period

Maybe you’ve already started talking to your daughter about menstruation. Maybe you’re wondering where to begin. Or even when to begin. Because girls are starting to menstruate at an earlier age than when we were young, it’s best to start talking about it by age 8, spread it out over several smaller conversations. Most girls…

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Neurosciences, Spirituality

How yoga can help if you have MS

The practice of letting go You know you should. Everybody says it’ll help you feel better. The hardest part is walking or rolling into the room that first time. The expectations, the ideas — let them go. Ignore the voices that say you must have a certain something or be a certain way and bring…

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Dancing with Heart

Molly Ann Lessig, a junior at Western Kentucky University, has a full course load this semester, yet never misses a beat with her outgoing personality and life on campus. She looks at challenges as opportunities. Lessig participates in various organizations on campus, but one — Dance Big Red — stands out and holds a special…

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3 reasons why your heart is in good hands at Audubon

You might be surprised to know that physicians, researchers and specialized nurses in our community are helping revolutionize heart care. Here are three reasons your heart is in good hands at Norton Audubon Hospital, where much of this work is happening. Groundbreaking research right here at home For nearly 30 years, research done under Norton…

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Prevention and Wellness

Infused Water

Drinking plenty of water is one of the best things for your child’s urinary and digestive systems. Drinking enough water — about 40 to 60 ounces per day for children ages 4 to 12 — helps flush bacteria from the urinary tract, which prevents infection and helps the digestive tract function regularly. Sprucing up your…

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