The Kentucky Heart Disease and Stroke Prevention Task Force wants state residents to know their blood pressure numbers — and they’re taking great CARE to make sure they do. The Cardiovascular Assessment, Risk Reduction, and Education — or CARE Collaborative — is a statewide initiative to raise awareness about blood pressure numbers and management. Michele…
If you experience frequent numbness and weakness in your arms or legs, the issue may be in your back. Over time, the gradual wear and tear of the vertebrae protecting the spinal cord can lead to compression of the spinal cord or the nerve roots that run through the openings between the bones of the…
El mejor consejo para viajar durante el COVID-19 es “no lo haga.” Si usted está dispuesto a aceptar los riesgos, aquí hay algunos consejos para mantenerlo más seguro durante sus viajes ya sea por avión, tren o automóvil. “Lo mejor que Podemos hacer para la seguridad de nosotros y la de otros es no viajar…
Holidays can be a joyful time but also a time to cause extra mental stress and anxiety. Bryan Davis, Psy.D., clinical health psychologist with Norton Neuroscience Institute, discusses some ways to manage feelings you experience around the holidays. RELATED: Mental health is as important as physical health. If you need mental health help, here are…
Save time and schedule your next appointment with Norton Healthcare through MyNortonChart. Anyone who schedules an appointment online between now and Dec. 31 through MyNortonChart will be entered for a chance to win a $500 Visa gift card to help with your new year’s shopping. MyNortonChart offers free, convenient, online access to your health, 24…
Esta publicación también está disponible en español. We all feel the temptation to gather with family and friends during the holidays. The recent spike in COVID-19 cases doesn’t mean there aren’t some safer ways to stay connected and keep some holiday traditions going. “This holiday season, we’ll have to be more intentional about taking steps…
Todos sentimos la tentación de reunirnos con familiares y amigos durante las vacaciones. El reciente aumento en los casos de COVID-19 no significa que no haya formas más seguras de mantenerse conectado y mantener algunas tradiciones navideñas. “En esta temporada navideña, tendremos que ser más intencionales a la hora de tomar medidas para mejorar nuestro…
Providers at Norton Healthcare now have additional therapies available to help prevent the progression of COVID-19 in people who are at risk for severe illness from the virus. One, an antibody cocktail utilizing casirivimab and imdevimab, also known as REGEN-COV2 and commonly referred to as Regeneron’s antibody cocktail in reference to the manufacturer, received emergency…
LOUISVILLE, Ky. (Dec. 16, 2020) – Today Norton Healthcare began offering and administering the new COVID-19 vaccine to frontline health care workers. The not-for-profit health care system, with five acute care hospitals in Louisville, expects to vaccinate 1,950 employees this week. This number represents the total doses received in the initial shipment of the Pfizer-BioNtech…
You can test negative for COVID-19 and still have it. A nasal swab test is merely a snapshot in time. In other words, receiving a negative COVID-19 test result today doesn’t mean you definitely don’t have the virus, but rather that there wasn’t enough virus collected to register as a positive at the time of…
You saw some friends and family during the holidays, and now one of them is sick with COVID-19. What do you do? Stay home for 14 days after your last close contact with a person who now has symptoms. That means if you had close contact on Thanksgiving Day, you need to quarantine until Dec….
All four Norton Healthcare adult-service hospitals were awarded an “A” in the Leapfrog Hospital Safety Grade for a third straight time. Norton Audubon Hospital, Norton Brownsboro Hospital, Norton Hospital and Norton Women’s & Children’s Hospital each received an “A” grade in fall 2019, spring 2020 and all repeated the national honor again for fall 2020….
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