COVID Vaccine, COVID19

COVID-19 Pfizer booster approval expanded to 16 and older

COVID-19 vaccine booster shots are now available to those ages 16 and older who received their second Pfizer dose six or more months ago. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) advises that the emergence of the omicron variant emphasizes the importance of vaccines and boosters, especially ahead of in-person and indoor holiday gatherings….

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COVID Vaccine, COVID19

Lauren Jones: ‘My shot of hope’

Hope. It’s just about the only thing some of us still have after the pandemic took everything else. It’s taken me nine months, and many hours of therapy, to understand that I can’t fault other people for not understanding what it’s like to have COVID-19, or to be a COVID-19 long-hauler. I can’t get angry at people…

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COVID Vaccine, COVID19, Employee stories - Norton Healthcare

Employees step up to staff vaccine clinics

A year-and-a-half since the first COVID-19 case in the United States, the world continues to take great strides in recovering from the pandemic. At Norton Healthcare, our vaccine clinic teams have led the charge by providing what often are described as “shots of hope.” COVID-19 vaccines became available in late December 2020 and our organization…

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COVID Vaccine

The difference between emergency use authorization and FDA approval

The differences between Food and Drug Administration (FDA) emergency use authorization (EUA) versus full approval for a vaccine mostly relate to the quantity of data from studies. Both processes by the FDA rely on data regarding a vaccine’s safety and effectiveness and require a conclusion that potential benefits outweigh any potential risks. The FDA has…

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COVID Vaccine, COVID19

¿Está vacunado? Un resfriado podría significar que usted aún puede propagar la COVID-19

This post is also available in English Usted puede contagiar la COVID-19 aún después de haber sido completamente vacunado, así que tenga en cuenta que sus síntomas de resfriado o alergia pueden ser un caso de recaída leve que puede propagarse a niños no vacunados y a otras personas, poniéndolos en riesgo de contraer una…

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COVID Vaccine, COVID19

Lambda variant appears to be less aggressive than delta

The COVID-19 lambda variant may not be as infectious as the delta variant, which is spreading rapidly in the United States. However, the data is very preliminary and medical science doesn’t yet know if lambda will require a different response to COVID-19. “It seems like lambda is not taking off like delta has,” said Joseph M….

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COVID Testing, COVID Vaccine, COVID19

Vaccinated? Those sniffles may mean you can spread COVID-19

Esta publicación también está disponible en español. You can still spread COVID-19 after you’ve been fully vaccinated, so be mindful that your cold or allergy symptoms may be a mild breakthrough case that can be spread to unvaccinated children and others — and may make them very sick. “Masking, social distancing and hand-washing are still…

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COVID Vaccine, COVID19, Equity inclusion belonging

Study shows younger African Americans sick with diseases that tend to affect older white people

Younger African Americans are more likely to have conditions like heart disease, stroke and diabetes that among white people tend not to show up until much later in life, according to a study from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). Among the study’s findings: African Americans from ages 18 to 49 are twice…

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COVID Vaccine, COVID19

Reaching those skeptical about COVID-19 vaccines

Esta publicación también está disponible en español. Skepticism about vaccines in general and specifically how quickly the COVID-19 vaccines have been developed have some taking a cautious view of the shots that could bring an end to the pandemic, according to Louisville-area physicians. “Patients often ask ‘are you going to get it?’,” said Steven Patton…

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COVID Vaccine, COVID19

Norton Children’s Research Institute, affiliated with the UofL School of Medicine, to participate in COVID-19 investigational vaccine clinical trial for children ages 6 months to 11 years

The Norton Children’s Research Institute, affiliated with the UofL School of Medicine, will participate in a phase 2/3 clinical trial of the Pfizer-BioNTech COVID-19 investigational vaccine for healthy children ages 6 months to 11 years. The study will evaluate safety, tolerability and immune response in this age group. It is the only site in Louisville…

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COVID Vaccine, COVID19

Norton Children’s opens preregistration for COVID-19 vaccinations in children ages 12 and older

In anticipation of the U.S. Food and Drug Administration emergency use authorization for a COVID-19 vaccine for children ages 12 to 15, Norton Children’s has opened vaccine preregistration for children ages 12 and up on The Pfizer-BioNTech vaccine currently is in review with the U.S. Food and Drug Administration for possible emergency use authorization…

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COVID Vaccine, COVID19

Here’s what you can do more safely once fully vaccinated against COVID-19

Once you are fully vaccinated, you can safely do more of what seems like a distant memory: Put your mask away for many activities and even attend crowded events with your mask on. Here’s a roundup of the latest Centers for Disease Control & Prevention (CDC) guidance on what you can do safely without a…

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