News, Patient stories - Norton Healthcare

To the physicians who saved my son

I’ve thought about writing this letter about a million times since March. Now that things have settled down and Miles is thriving, I feel like I can finally gather my thoughts and attempt to put into words just how much two physicians have impacted mine and my family’s life. A week before Miles’ open heart…

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Cancer, News, Patient stories - Norton Healthcare

Cancer survivor story

After months of trying to figure out what the lump in my clavicle was, my ear-nose-throat doctor looked at me and said, “I think it’s cancer and I want it out. If I’m wrong, I’ll take you out to dinner wherever you want to go and you can punch me in the face at the…

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News, Patient stories - Norton Healthcare

Graduating from 12 years of surgeries

Shearice Harrison cheered just like any other mom as her son, Jerren, walked across the New Albany High School stage to get his diploma. But she wasn’t just celebrating his academic achievements; she reveled in the fact that her son was alive to see this day. “I held my baby, who was just a few…

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News, Patient stories - Norton Healthcare

Teen takes health into his own hands

When Sam Rickert looked in the mirror, he didn’t like what he saw: an unfit, overweight young man. He decided to make a change after noticing that fit people maintain healthy habits. “I started talking to others who looked fit and discovered that they didn’t drink soda,” Sam said. “So I stopped too.” After talking…

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News, Patient stories - Norton Healthcare

F.A.S.T. thinking saves man having stroke

On a cold February morning, Bob Steuart was beginning his work day, leaving his Brandenburg, Kentucky, home for his job as a tax preparer. He never made it out of the driveway before suffering what could have been a fatal stroke. Bob recalls most of what happened that morning. He said he got into his…

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Cancer, News, Patient stories - Norton Healthcare

My story is still being written.

Since I was invited to share my story, those words have been swimming around in my mind. My story. I blogged my days during cancer treatment. I did that to share my experience, to educate, to encourage. That’s what my story is about. I told my story in that blog. Told it in a raw,…

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News, Patient stories - Norton Healthcare

A stroke of fate

During her road to recovery from knee replacement surgery, it never entered Phyllis Atzinger’s mind that she could have a stroke. But she did, and thanks to her husband knowing the signs and the fast work of her medical team, she lives to tell about it. “I don’t remember much, so I rely on my…

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Obstetrics, Patient stories - Norton Healthcare

Making the choice to breastfeed

Few people know this about me, but my decision to breastfeed actually came when I was 12 years old. My mom took my two siblings and me to a friend’s house for lunch one day. I had been around my mom’s friend Laura on other occasions, but this day was different. My mom and Laura…

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News, Patient stories - Norton Healthcare

My Story of Hope

Keeping hope I was diagnosed with stage I melanoma in August 2011 when my youngest son was two months old. I had surgery to remove it that October and although the recovery was longer than anticipated, it was relatively easy and no additional treatment was necessary. So, to be honest, the fact that I had…

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Cancer, News, Patient stories - Norton Healthcare

Finding life after cancer

For years, Denise Valente suffered from a nonmalignant fibrocystic breast condition. Her breasts would get tender, swollen and lumpy, and she would have the cysts aspirated. It was so predictable, in the words of the 58-year-old Valente, “I got pretty nonchalant about it.” Then in 2010, she discovered a lump in her right breast that…

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Patient stories - Norton Healthcare, Sports Health

A personal best after shoulder surgery

For many fitness enthusiasts, CrossFit is a good way to stay in shape. For 48-year-old Tim Wait, it’s a way of life. Wait is described by many as a “super athlete.” He pitched in competitive baseball leagues until he was 45 and has always pushed his body to the limit. About four years ago, he…

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Breast Cancer, Cancer, Patient stories - Norton Healthcare

Jill Brzezinski-Conley

Norton Healthcare offers heartfelt condolences to Jill Brzezinski-Conley’s family and friends. We join with all those touched by Jill’s passion, determination and courage in saying she will be profoundly missed. The ability to live life fully on your own terms is a rare and precious gift. Jill cherished that gift in a way that can…

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