Heart, Heart Attack, News

How to tell the difference between heartburn and heart attack

This article is part of a series on the signs and symptoms of heart attack in women. Several Norton Heart Care providers have come together to raise awareness and provide tips just for women. Because signs of heart attack can be different for women than men, it’s important to know what to look for and…

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Atrial Fibrillation, Heart, News

Facebook Live recap: What is atrial fibrillation?

Kent Morris, M.D., clinical cardiac electrophysiologist, and Tara Mudd, APRN, electrophysiology nurse practitioner, both with Norton Heart Specialists, hosted a Facebook Live chat discussing atrial fibrillation and treatment options. Atrial fibrillation, also known as A-fib, is a common heart rhythm disorder that affects the top chambers of the heart. During the video discussion, Dr. Morris…

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Heart, Heart Attack, News

Jaw pain and heart attack

There are several signs of heart attack in women that may go unnoticed. These “silent heart attack” signs include jaw pain, left arm pain and upper back pain. Because signs of heart attack can be different for women than men, it’s important to know how what the symptoms are and how to recognize them. Sometimes…

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Heart, News

Heart care: The difference between chest pain and breast pain

This article is part of a series on the signs and symptoms of a heart attack in women. Several Norton Heart Care providers have come together to raise awareness and provide tips just for women. Because signs of heart attack can be different for women than men, it’s important to know what to look for and what to do…

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Endocrinology, Heart

Painless finger pricking – here’s how to do it

If you have diabetes, checking your blood sugar with a finger prick is something you have to do. Not because your doctor says so, but because you want to feel good. Right? Right? You’re more apt to check your numbers regularly if your fingers don’t hurt. Here’s how to make it painless: Prick only warm…

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Heart, Heart Attack, News

Heart attacks rob us of too many women; what to look for

According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), heart disease is the leading cause of death among women regardless of race or ethnicity. Even more staggering is that more than 267,000 women die each year from heart attacks. “Heart disease is robbing us of our mothers, sisters and friends,” said Theresa Byrd, R.N.,…

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Heart, News

Ask a physician about A-fib

Atrial fibrillation, also known as A-fib, affects between nearly 3 million to 6 million peoplein the United States. The condition causes the upper chambers of the heart(atria) to beat quickly and in an uncontrolled manner (fibrillation), resultingin irregular and often rapid heart rate. This can impact blood flow throughoutthe body. The symptoms can include: On-demand…

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Heart, News, Patient stories - Norton Healthcare

New valve gives man new life

When Matthew Stone was 3, he had surgery at the children’s hospital to repair two holes in his heart and remove his pulmonary valve — both known as congenital heart defects. For 31 years he had no issues and simply saw his physicians for check-in visits. But that began to change. “Early this year, I…

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Heart, News, Patient stories - Norton Healthcare

When a Fit Body Doesn’t Equal a Fit Heart

At age 51, Chris Pryor of Louisville led an active life, volunteering with his church, watching his grandchildren play baseball and going to the gym. Though sometimes it took him longer to catch his breath after a hard workout, he didn’t worry about his health. But over the summer, Pryor developed a persistent cough. Sometimes,…

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Heart, News, Patient stories - Norton Healthcare

Stopping a stroke meant taking her sight

If you had to choose between having a stroke or losing your eyesight, which would you pick? It was not quite that black and white for Arlene Hampton, but close, when she was prescribed a daily pill to avoid having a stroke — a pill that caused her to permanently lose vision in her right…

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Atrial Fibrillation, Heart, News

Norton Heart Care physicians first in region to offer alternative to warfarin with newly approved Watchman implant

Norton Heart Care is the first in the Louisville region to offer patients with nonvalvular atrial fibrillation (A-fib) an alternative to taking warfarin medication long term with the newly approved Watchman Left Atrial Appendage Closure (LAAC) implant. The first Watchman procedure was performed earlier this year, and now several local patients are seeing the full…

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Heart, News

Slideshow: Camp BraveHearts

A huge thank you to the Center for Courageous Kids for offering the opportunity to allow children with heart conditions to participate in summer activities just like other kids get to do. Want to help more kids have a summer camp experience? To support other children who depend on financial support from the Children’s Hospital…

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