Heart, Women’s Heart Program, Womens Health

Country music crooner Carly Pearce is battling pericarditis — a women’s cardiology specialist explains the condition

Country music singer and Kentucky native Carly Pearce, shared with fans through social media that she was diagnosed with pericarditis, a condition impacting her heart. While she shared that she expects to make a full recovery, she wanted to be open about her diagnosis to educate others as well as encourage everyone to advocate for…

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Heart, Women’s Heart Program

Women’s heart attack symptoms can be more subtle

Heart attack symptoms are often different for women. Women may not experience the stereotypical crushing chest pain. Instead, they could have symptoms that could be confused with the flu, heartburn or an ulcer. “It’s critical women understand what a heart attack can feel like for them, so they get immediate medical care. Any delay in…

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Cardiac Rehab, Cardiology, Heart, Heart Attack, Interventional Cardiology, Thoracic Surgery, Women’s Heart Program

9 Early Signs of a Heart Attack

Early signs of a heart attack, or “beginnings,” occur in more than 50% of people who have a heart attack. If recognized in time, these early symptoms can be treated before the heart is damaged. “If you have early warning signs of a heart attack, don’t dismiss it — it’s a chance for you to…

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Heart, Women’s Heart Program

When to worry about breathing issues during pregnancy — what to watch for and what it might mean

Being a little short of breath is normal during pregnancy, especially in the later months. As the body prepares for baby, hormonal shifts, crowded organs and anemia all can contribute to this breathlessness. However, there are some conditions you should be aware of during pregnancy. Here are some more facts to consider: Heart disease (also…

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Cardiology, During Your Pregnancy, Heart, Maternal-Fetal Medicine, Obstetrics, Women’s Heart Program

Experts recommend screening for high blood pressure while pregnant

The risks of high blood pressure while pregnant have prompted a panel of medical experts to recommend all pregnant people get blood pressure screenings at every prenatal visit. The draft recommendation by the U.S. Preventive Services Task Force, an independent panel that makes evidence-based recommendations about ways to prevent disease, advises that all pregnant people,…

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Heart, Maternal-Fetal Medicine, Obstetrics, Women’s Heart Program

What’s the normal blood pressure for a pregnant woman?

If you’re pregnant and have a blood pressure of 140 systolic/90 diastolic or higher, you should see a specialist, as untreated high blood pressure can risk your health as well as the unborn baby’s. A healthy blood pressure for women and men is below 120/80. The U.S. Preventive Services Task Force now recommends women who…

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Brand Feature, Heart, Heart Failure, Maternal-Fetal Medicine, Obstetrics, Women’s Heart Program

Alexis’ heart was giving out after her 3rd pregnancy — a long-term solution would have to wait for baby No. 4

At age 25, Alexis Helm had been pregnant three times, and her heart was failing. The increased blood volume from her pregnancies and strain on her heart muscle had taken a toll, as it does with many women. With her fourth pregnancy, she knew she risked damaging her heart further but wanted to do all…

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Heart, Women’s Heart Program, Womens Health

What are the signs of high blood pressure in women?

Blood pressure is the force of blood pushing against the walls of blood vessels. High blood pressure, or hypertension, makes the heart work harder than normal. Left untreated it can scar and damage the blood vessels, and can lead to heart attack, stroke, kidney failure, eye damage and other dangerous conditions. Of the total adults…

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Cardiology, Heart, Heart Failure, Norton Community Medical Associates, Women’s Heart Program

What is a good blood pressure number?

Blood pressure is a key measure of your health. You probably know it’s important, but do you know what a good blood pressure is? Do you know why it’s important? Read on for the answers to these questions and more. What is blood pressure? Two numbers make up your blood pressure reading: systolic blood pressure…

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Cardiology, Heart, Women’s Heart Program

Why chest pain in women is different and shouldn’t be dismissed

Chest pain in women is often different from men’s typical experiences. Also known as angina, heart-related chest pain is the result of a decrease in blood flow to the heart. It can be difficult to know the difference between angina and other causes of chest pain. Other than heart disease, stomach and esophagus issues, lung…

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Cardiology, Heart, Heart Attack, News, Women’s Heart Program

How I learned heart attacks in women are different

A lot is written about the differences between men and women. The battle of the sexes is a constant source of material for jokes to serious debate, and everything in between. As a married man for more than 30 years and the father of two adult daughters, I have witnessed these differences firsthand. Some are…

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Heart, Heart Failure, Maternal-Fetal Medicine, Women’s Heart Program, Womens Health

High blood pressure during pregnancy can put you at risk for heart disease

Hypertension during pregnancy and preeclampsia can indicate heart disease or other cardiovascular conditions later in a woman’s life. High blood pressure during pregnancy, also known as gestational hypertension, can be common. Preeclampsia is high blood pressure and protein in the urine during pregnancy, which affects organs in the body such as the liver and kidneys….

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