Cardiology, Heart, Heart Attack

Average age of a heart attack is younger than you might think, so here are warning signs of a heart attack and what you need to know

Getting older definitely increases your risk for a heart attack, but that doesn’t mean younger adults should ignore concerning symptoms. While the majority of first heart attacks happen around age 65 for men and 72 for women, there has been an increase in heart attacks in people under age 40, according to the American College…

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Cardiology, Heart, Heart Attack

Chest pain myth-busters

Chest pain does not necessarily mean a heart attack. Other conditions can result in chest pain. Some, like heartburn, have nothing to do with the heart. Also, heart attacks don’t always cause chest pain. One study found 1 in 5 heart people had heart attacks without chest pain. With a heart attack, you may feel…

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Cardiology, Heart, Heart Attack

Chest pain can be a concerning symptom, but it isn’t always an emergency

Most people are familiar with the typical way someone shows they are having a heart attack: gasping, clutching their chest, and so on. Despite what may be depicted as a heart attack in movies or on TV, sometimes chest pain is just chest pain — with a harmless cause. However, sometimes pain in the chest…

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Cardiology, Heart, Heart Failure

How to exercise with heart failure

Heart failure and exercise: Strengthening your heart and safely combating heart failure Heart failure is a condition that means your heart can’t pump blood as well as it should. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) estimates that about 6.2 million American adults have heart failure. Heart failure was mentioned on the death certificates…

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Cardiac Rehab, Cardiology, Heart, Heart Attack, Interventional Cardiology, Thoracic Surgery, Women’s Heart Program

9 Early Signs of a Heart Attack

Early signs of a heart attack, or “beginnings,” occur in more than 50% of people who have a heart attack. If recognized in time, these early symptoms can be treated before the heart is damaged. “If you have early warning signs of a heart attack, don’t dismiss it — it’s a chance for you to…

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Cardiology, Heart, Heart Attack

When is chest pain not a heart attack? Symptoms of a heart attack can mimic other conditions

Most people are familiar with the typical way someone shows they are having a heart attack: gasping, clutching their chest and so on. Despite what’s depicted in movies and TV, sometimes chest pain is just chest pain. And sometimes a heart attack has very subtle symptoms. Here are five ways to tell the difference. Millions…

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Cardiology, During Your Pregnancy, Heart, Maternal-Fetal Medicine, Obstetrics, Women’s Heart Program

Experts recommend screening for high blood pressure while pregnant

The risks of high blood pressure while pregnant have prompted a panel of medical experts to recommend all pregnant people get blood pressure screenings at every prenatal visit. The draft recommendation by the U.S. Preventive Services Task Force, an independent panel that makes evidence-based recommendations about ways to prevent disease, advises that all pregnant people,…

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Cardiac Rehab, Cardiology, Diagnostics, Heart

It would have been a surprise heart attack, but new imaging technology revealed a hidden danger

Something just wasn’t sitting right with Tony Seadler. The 66-year-old Pewee Valley, Kentucky, native felt himself growing tired very easily, and the long walk down his 600-foot driveway had his full attention. “I had to stop two or three times on the way up the driveway,” Tony said. “My neck was hurting really badly. At…

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Atrial Fibrillation, Cardiology, Electrophysiology, Heart, Heart Rhythm Center

Why are my nail beds blue?

Fingernails are good for scratching itches, but they are also a window into your health. If the skin under your fingernails has a blue or purple tinge, you might need to see a health care provider or a heart specialist. Why are my nails blue? The medical term for blue nail beds is cyanosis. Cyanosis…

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Cardiology, Heart

High blood pressure or even elevated blood pressure can be dangerous for young adults

The cause of high blood pressure in young adults isn’t always known, but addressing obesity, sedentary lifestyle and excessive alcohol or salt can be the first steps toward bringing your blood pressure down. Some patients with high blood pressure may not notice a difference in how they feel, but over time, the increased stress on…

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Cardiology, Heart, Heart Failure, Norton Community Medical Associates, Women’s Heart Program

What is a good blood pressure number?

Blood pressure is a key measure of your health. You probably know it’s important, but do you know what a good blood pressure is? Do you know why it’s important? Read on for the answers to these questions and more. What is blood pressure? Two numbers make up your blood pressure reading: systolic blood pressure…

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Cardiology, Heart, Heart Attack

American Heart Association sets standards for heart attack care

If someone is having chest pain, it’s time to get to the best hospital for heart attack treatment. But aren’t all hospitals equipped to treat a heart attack? Yes, and getting treatment right away is the most important thing, so call 911. Some hospitals have better outcomes than others and are able to reach those…

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