Neurosciences, News

Epilepsy patient gets precise diagnosis, the right treatment and a return to his life

Brandon Miller was loving life. Until it came to a screeching halt. On Jan. 7, 2007, Brandon sped down the Gene Snyder Freeway. He quickly approached something in the middle of the road — a couch had fallen off a vehicle. The 25-year-old swerved and, in an instant, his life changed forever. His truck flipped…

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News, Recipes

Nondairy nacho dip gets its cheesiness from nutritional yeast [Recipe]

Nacho dip Forward Food Forward Food is a Humane Society of the United States program dedicated to helping dining programs choose to replace meat with plant-based protein foods. Through Forward Food, food service directors, major corporations, restaurant chains, chefs, dietitians and NGOs use plant-based foods to grow a healthier, more sustainable food system. Makes eight…

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Butternut squash sauce recipe

Really impress your family at your next holiday meal with this make-it-your-own (MIYO) dish packed with flavor and nutrients. Keep it simple with this unique sauce recipe or add in your favorite protein, such as Italian chicken sausage, for added flavor. No matter your style, including winter squash in your meals will provide you with…

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Infectious Disease, Spine

Heroin use blamed for increase in rare spine infection osteomyelitis

Physicians are seeing more cases of an otherwise rare spine infection — osteomyelitis — that can be caused by injecting bacteria along with heroin. Heroin users risk showering their bloodstream with bacteria that live on their skin and needles. The bacteria can travel to the spine, plant there and fester into a painful infection. A…

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Cancer, Employee stories - Norton Healthcare, News

Nurse helps cancer patients navigate fog of a scary diagnosis

As an oncology-certified nurse, Gina Morrison, R.N., has learned there are two sides to cancer care — the side fighting cancer cells in the body and the side taking care of a person’s heart and spirit. Cancer patients can get lost navigating the path between the two. That’s where Gina comes in. After three years…

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Expecting, Maternal-Fetal Medicine, News, Obstetrics

Gestational diabetes can make pregnancy risky

Beth, 29, was thrilled to learn she was pregnant with her first child. But her excitement turned to fear when she was diagnosed with gestational diabetes. Although Beth didn’t have diabetes before, she had developed it during pregnancy. What causes gestational diabetes? Gestational diabetes starts when the body is not able to make and use…

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MyNortonChart, News

Get lab results, other health reports using iPhone’s Health app

A variety of key health reports and updates provided by MyNortonChart are available in the iPhone Health app. Now, the app’s Health Records feature can collect information from different hospitals and clinics to make it easier for patients to access their medical information from multiple providers whenever they choose. Once you connect your Health Records…

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Neurosciences, News

Stronger neck muscles help protect against concussion [Video]

Stronger neck muscles help protect against concussions. Watch as Tad D. Seifert, M.D., director of Sports Neurology at Norton Healthcare, shares an exercise to strengthen the neck. Norton Sports Health Whether you consider yourself an athlete or someone who just wants to stay fit, Norton Sports Health can provide you with the care you need….

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Dementia, Neurosciences

Dementia vs. Alzheimer’s: What’s the difference?

Former U.S. Supreme Court Justice Sandra Day O’Connor announced last week that she is in the early stages of dementia. What is dementia, and how does it differ from Alzheimer’s disease? Dementia describes symptoms that include memory loss, difficulty performing daily tasks and trouble communicating. It does not have a definitive diagnosis, though it can…

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Flu, News, Prevention and Wellness

Over 65? You still need the flu shot

Many adults ages 65 and older believe that, having reached older adulthood, they no longer need vaccines, including a flu shot. Some doubt it will help them. Others think the flu shot actually can give them the flu. Some simply have never overcome a fear of needles. And then there is confusion about which type…

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Most causes of stroke can be changed or treated.

Stroke continues to be a leading cause of death in Kentucky. In fact, the number of young people hospitalized due to stroke has increased 44 percent over the past decade. “The numbers are alarming,” said Gauhar Chaudhary, M.D., neurologist with Norton Neuroscience Institute. “Fortunately, most stroke risk factors can be identified and changed, treated or…

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Hepatitis C, Infectious Disease, Prevention and Wellness

What baby boomers need to know about hepatitis C risk factors

Baby boomers are leading the way again, but this time it’s with hepatitis C. People born between 1945 and 1965 are the largest group living with hepatitis C, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Many people have hepatitis C and don’t know it. Getting tested is the only way to find out….

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