
Changes to the Basic Life Support classes

Starting Friday, June 1, the Basic Life Support Heartcode (CPR) Online Check-Off Program will be replaced with a new BLS Renewal class. All online keys and check-off classes will no longer be offered. The new BLS Renewal Program is designed for nursing, emergency department and physician staff. Norton Healthcare will continue to offer the BLS…

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News, Obstetrics

Too many moms-to-be are still smoking, CDC says

New information from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) brings some not-so-good news about the number of women smoking while pregnant. According to the CDC’s National Center for Health Statistics, one out of 14 women who gave birth in 2016 smoked cigarettes while pregnant. The prevalence of smoking during pregnancy varies by state….

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Cancer, News

Derby Divas honoree Dr. Frazier looks back on her cancer journey

My cancer story begins in March 2013. I noticed a lump in my breast, but as a busy pediatrician and mom, I ignored it for several months. Then one night I had a dream I had breast cancer. The next morning I immediately scheduled an appointment with my physician to have it checked out. I…

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News, Norton Audubon

First phase of Norton Audubon renovation complete

Norton Healthcare is celebrating a significant milestone in the construction and renovation project taking place at Norton Audubon Hospital. Phase 1 of a four-year, $125 million project is nearly complete. This phase includes the construction of a three-floor tower with private critical care and progressive cardiac care rooms, as well as expansion of the emergency…

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News, Prevention and Wellness

Providing a safe medical ‘home’ for HIV patients

Health care providers often form close bonds with their patients. But in situations where the provider is the only one who knows about a patient’s HIV infection — and is the only one who can be there to listen — the bond is even stronger. As practice manager for Norton Infectious Disease Specialists, Deanna Polsgrove…

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Norton Healthcare named a leader in LGBTQ care

“Respect every person” is one of Norton Healthcare’s foundational values that employees commit to following as they care for patients and foster a positive work culture. And now that commitment has been recognized. We are proud to have earned a score of 100 on the selective Healthcare Equality Index administered by the Human Rights Campaign Foundation….

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News, Prevention and Wellness

Gun safety for kids

Sometimes families have guns in the house for protection or for hunting, but any gun can bedangerous. A baby is strong enough to pull the trigger. If guns are part of your family culture, expose older kids to guns by showing them how to safely handle and secure them. This will help them develop respect…

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When minor illnesses strike at inconvenient times

You may be at an age when term papers and classes make it hard to get to a health care provider’s office. You may be so preoccupied with caring for kids and aging parents that your own health has taken a back seat. You may have plenty of time on your hands, but getting out…

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News, Sports Health

What is an athletic trainer?

In my years as an athletic trainer, I’ve come to realize my profession is misunderstood as well as confused with many other professions. In honor of National Athletic Training Month, here is some insight to what an athletic trainer is and is not. We are not personal trainers, physical therapists or emergency medical personnel. We…

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Nurses and clinical staff: Find out what it’s like to work at Norton Healthcare

If you’ve heard good things about working for Norton Healthcare but want to meet some people who actually live it, plan to come to a meet & greet at Norton Hospital downtown on March 22. Walk-ins are welcome, so feel free to wander over on a break and learn more about the inclusive culture at…

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Neurosciences, News

Stephen Hawking and ALS: Survivability is improving with medical advancements

While cosmologist Stephen Hawking’s life was notable for many reasons, his death brought into focus his 1963 diagnosis with ALS (amyotrophic lateral sclerosis). Hawking was expected to live two years. Of course he went on to live more than 50 years, dying at age 76, recording advancements in our understanding of black holes and the…

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Migraine and Headaches, Neurosciences

Weather shifts are no fun for those with migraine

Jokes and memes about Kentucky weather abound: You can have all four seasons in a day! One day it’s 70 degrees, the next it’s snowing. But for people who get migraine headaches, our weather fluctuations are no laughing matter. While studies have not found a direct link between weather changes and headache or migraine attacks,…

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