Heart, News, Patient stories - Norton Healthcare

New valve gives man new life

When Matthew Stone was 3, he had surgery at the children’s hospital to repair two holes in his heart and remove his pulmonary valve — both known as congenital heart defects. For 31 years he had no issues and simply saw his physicians for check-in visits. But that began to change. “Early this year, I…

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News, Prevention and Wellness

Who’s most at-risk in school zones?

Heads up, kids — especially on your way to and from school. Pedestrian deaths are on the rise nationwide, and according to a new study, the biggest increase is in school zones. Safe Kids Louisville, a coalition led by Norton Children’s Hospital dedicated to preventing injuries in children, is a partner with Safe Kids Worldwide,…

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Employee stories - Norton Healthcare, News

Dr. Puri on career, family & no regrets

I have been in Louisville for 21 years as a child neurologist. I ended up in Louisville because Dr. Sole, who was also a child neurologist, was two years my senior at St. Louis Children’s and came here to practice.  During my last year I can remember going to our administrative department in St. Louis…

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Want smarter kids? Eat together.

When is the last time you and your family sat down at the table together for a family meal? If family mealtime is a rare occurrence in your home, now’s the time to make it a regular routine. Studies show that family mealtime has benefits for both the mind and the body. Some researchers even…

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News, Recipes

Jamaican jerk chicken recipe

“In the Kitchen with Norton Healthcare” brings the flavors and colors of Caribbean cuisine to your plate with this popular and healthy Jamaican jerk chicken recipe. Jamaican Jerk Chicken Makes 4 servings Ingredients Four 4-ounce boneless skinless chicken breasts ¼ cup olive oil 1½ tablespoons Jamaican jerk seasoning 1 tablespoon lime juice 2 tablespoons honey…

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Employee stories - Norton Healthcare, News, Spirituality

‘Do not let your heart be troubled’

Sure, a hospital couldn’t run without doctors and nurses. But there are countless underdogs helping families get through some of the most difficult times of their lives. One of them is chaplain Rev. Brian Wilson, M.Div. He sat down with us to talk about what it’s like to do his job. Why did you become…

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Endocrinology, News

Blood sugar: There is no pass or fail

If you have diabetes, checking your blood sugar is something you have to do. You just have to. Not because your doctor says so, but because you want to feel good. Right? Many things affect blood sugar numbers, such as your eating pattern and what you eat, exercise, medication changes, stress and your daily schedule….

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Employee stories - Norton Healthcare, News, Obstetrics

Slow down this pregnancy!

Nine months, 40 weeks, three trimesters — however you describe the length of your pregnancy, one thing is for sure: It is the fastest timeline of your life. I can’t believe I am already pushing toward my due date, well into my third trimester. It seems like yesterday that my husband and I were just…

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Kohls High 5, News

Is your family up for the challenge?

Looking for some family fun? How about family fun that gets you moving and teaches kids about health and safety? Better yet, what if your family could win a prize for sticking to healthy habits? Join the children’s hospital as we challenge families to a fun and interactive contest designed to help kids (and grownups,…

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News, Weight Management

What’s missing from your diet?

Wednesday is National Eating Healthy Day — a great reminder of the importance of making healthy food choices. If you are spending time worrying about what not to eat, you could be forgetting some important diet staples. Remember, when it comes to eating healthy, it’s not always about what we shouldn’t eat. Erin Wiedmar, clinical…

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Saving babies from drug addiction

Addiction is a hard battle to fight — even more so when you are fighting for two. New Vision for Expectant Mothers is a service offered at Norton Women’s & Children’s Hospital for pregnant women who are seeking or experiencing withdrawal from opiates, alcohol and other addictive substances. “We’re going to try and eliminate the…

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News, Sports Health

A remarkable comeback

If you’ve been paying attention to the World Series you know the return of the Chicago Cubs’ Kyle Schwarber is nothing short of remarkable. Schwarber tore his ACL in April. It was a gruesome-looking injury that was expected to end his season. Not only has he returned to the lineup, he’s delivered some big hits…

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