Employee stories - Norton Healthcare, Norton Audubon, Patient stories - Norton Healthcare

When you love someone, let them know — a lot

Bonny and Robert Parker, who are in their early 60s, met years ago at the former Heads Up Pub in Louisville.  As sometimes happens in life, when they first met, in their early 20s, it was not meant to be. They both ended up marrying other people but eventually found their way back to each other…

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News, Norton Audubon, Norton Brownsboro, Norton Childrens Hospital, Norton Hospital

Norton Healthcare’s four Louisville-based adult-service hospitals nationally recognized with an ‘A’ for fall 2023 Leapfrog Hospital Safety Grade

Each of Norton Healthcare’s four adult-service hospitals in Louisville received an “A”gradein the fall 2023 Leapfrog Hospital Safety Grade. This national distinction recognizes each facility’s achievements in protecting patients from preventable harm and error in the hospital. The four hospitals are Norton Audubon Hospital, Norton Brownsboro Hospital, Norton Hospital and Norton Women’s & Children’s Hospital….

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Heart, Heart Attack, Interventional Cardiology, Norton Audubon, Norton Brownsboro, Norton Hospital

A STEMI is one of the most dangerous forms of heart attack — here’s what you need to know

When blood flow is partially blocked through one or more arteries to the heart, the heart muscle is damaged. This is a heart attack. But when the flow is blocked completely, damage happens much faster, and the condition is far more dangerous. The chances of recovery — and survival — lessen with every minute. This…

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Heart, Norton Audubon

New Norton Heart & Vascular Institute opens on Norton Audubon Hospital campus

Norton Heart & Vascular Institute on the Norton Audubon Hospital campus now has new space that will bring together seven specialty services in one location. This includes the addition of electrophysiology (a test performed to assess the heart’s electrical activity for abnormal heartbeats). Norton Healthcare has invested $10 million to make this new outpatient cardiovascular…

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Employee stories - Norton Healthcare, Norton Audubon

Bringing compassion to the art of nursing

In the world of health care, where science and compassion converge, Brian Tran, R.N., a registered nurse at Norton Audubon Hospital, stands out as an artist at heart. His career journey to critical care nursing, marked by dedication and compassion, is a testament to the transformative power of care. “Nurses, patient care associates — we…

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Heart, Heart Attack, News, Norton Audubon, Norton Brownsboro, Norton Hospital, Norton Womens & Childrens Hospital

Norton Healthcare receives seventh consecutive Chest Pain accreditation

Norton Healthcare’s adult-service hospitals in Louisville have all received Chest Pain Center accreditation from the American College of Cardiology (ACC). This is the seventh consecutive accreditation for all four hospitals, which ensures quality for the treatment of heart attack. Norton Audubon Hospital, Norton Brownsboro Hospital, and Norton Hospital all are recognized for ACC Chest Pain…

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News, Norton Audubon, Norton Brownsboro, Norton Hospital, Norton Womens & Childrens Hospital, Patient Safety

String of seven: Norton Healthcare’s four Louisville-based adult-service hospitals once again nationally recognized with an ‘A’ for fall 2022 in Leapfrog Hospital Safety Grade

Each of Norton Healthcare’s four adult-service hospitals in Louisville received an “A”gradein the fall 2022 Leapfrog Hospital Safety Grade. This national distinction recognizes each facility’s achievements in protecting patients from preventable harm and error in the hospital. The four hospitals are Norton Audubon Hospital, Norton Brownsboro Hospital, Norton Hospital and Norton Women’s & Children’s Hospital….

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Neurosciences, Norton Audubon, Patient stories - Norton Healthcare, Stroke

Stroke survivor encourages other Black men to take their health seriously

The holidays were coming up, but Jonathan House wasn’t feeling particularly joyous. Jonathan was grief-stricken from the recent loss of his mother and stepfather, and stressed after losing his job of more than 20 years. On top of that, he also was recovering from COVID-19. One evening in November 2021, after having dinner with his…

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Locations, Norton Audubon

Norton Healthcare’s four Louisville-based adult-service hospitals once again nationally recognized with an ‘A’ for spring 2022 Leapfrog Hospital Safety Grade

Each of Norton Healthcare’s four adult-service hospitals in Louisville received an “A” grade in the spring 2022 Leapfrog Hospital Safety Grade. This national distinction recognizes each facility’s achievements in protecting patients from preventable harm and error in the hospital. The four hospitals are Norton Audubon Hospital, Norton Brownsboro Hospital, Norton Hospital and Norton Women’s & Children’s…

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Heart, Norton Audubon

American College of Cardiology ‘Distinction of Excellence’ for Norton Audubon Hospital

The American College of Cardiology recognizes exceptional care at cardiology hospitals with its HeartCare Center National Distinction of Excellence award. The award recognizes forward-thinking heart hospitals with goals to advance the cause of sustainable quality improvement. Specifically, the 54,000-member college requires HeartCare Centers to demonstrate their “commitment to consistent, high-quality cardiovascular care through comprehensive process…

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News, Norton Audubon, Norton Brownsboro, Norton Hospital, Norton Womens & Childrens Hospital

Norton Healthcare’s four adult-service hospitals once again nationally recognized with an ‘A’ for the fall 2021 Leapfrog Hospital Safety Grade

Each of Norton Healthcare’s four adult-service hospitals received an “A” grade in the fall 2021 Leapfrog Hospital Safety Grade. This national distinction recognizes each facility’s achievements in protecting patients from errors, injuries, accidents and infections. The four hospitals are Norton Audubon Hospital, Norton Brownsboro Hospital, Norton Hospital and Norton Women’s & Children’s Hospital. (Pediatric hospitals…

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Heart, Norton Audubon

Former Lynn’s manager finds passion running new cardiovascular intensive care unit

Before she became a nurse, Kristen Wieder managed Lynn’s Paradise Café in Louisville. There, she befriended a couple whose son had leukemia. A year after the boy died, his parents met for lunch with his oncology nurses at the landmark Highlands restaurant, which has since closed. The bond between the boy’s nurses and his parents…

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