This post is also available in Englsh. Las personas pueden confundir un aneurisma con un dolor de cabeza tipo migraña, retrasando la atención médica y posiblemente llevando a un daño significativo. Es importante aprender las diferencias y qué hacer cuando los signos de un aneurisma están presentes. Si usted experimenta un dolor de cabeza severo…
Breakthrough imaging equipment in two new procedure rooms at Norton Brownsboro Hospital provides 3D pictures of the inside of the brain, giving neurosurgeons detailed, multi-angled views of blood vessels causing strokes and aneurysms. Using new biplane X-ray technology, Norton Neuroscience Institute specialists are better able to identify and analyze these diseases. The equipment, which provides…
People can mistake an aneurysm for a migraine headache, delaying care and possibly leading to significant harm. It is important to learn the differences and what to do when warning signs of an aneurysm are present. If you experience a severe headache (some describe it as the worst headache of their life) and it comes…
Norton Neuroscience Institute is offering a new treatment for brain aneurysms. According to Tom Yao, M.D., neurosurgeon with Norton Neuroscience Institute, the Woven EndoBridge (WEB) device was approved by the Food and Drug Administration recently. Norton Neuroscience Institute is one of the first two centers in Kentucky to offer the procedure. “The WEB device potentially…
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