Neurosciences, Ortho - Shoulder, Orthopedics, Patient stories - Norton Healthcare

Norton Orthopedic Institute surgeon’s shoulder replacement method brings reduced recovery times, better outcomes

Gene Lacey’s latest trip to the office of Justin M. Givens, M.D. was more of a formality than an appointment. He was there to show off his progress — to show Dr. Givens the range of motion in his surgically-repaired left shoulder. Needless to say, Gene’s progress has been dramatic, evidenced by his ability to…

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Brand Feature, Ortho - Shoulder, Orthopedics

Indiana sheriff back on the job after shoulder surgery

Ken Haas, a corrections officer and SWAT team lead with the Floyd County Sheriff’s Office in Southern Indiana, was training police recruits in 2020 when a demonstration resulted in a shoulder injury. Training recruits in handcuffing It was a normal day on the job for this now 54-year-old, but as one of the recruits attempted…

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Ortho - Shoulder, Orthopedics

Rotator cuff surgery approved by FDA and performed in Louisville

A new procedure approved last year by the Food and Drug Administration is bringing relief to those experiencing massive rotator cuff tears. The Stryker InSpace subacromial balloon spacer is designed for patients who have a rotator cuff tear that is not directly repairable to bone but who are not ready for a reverse total shoulder…

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Ortho - Shoulder, Patient stories - Norton Healthcare, Sports - Shoulder, Sports Health

With repaired shoulder, St. X quarterback feels ‘brand-new’

St. Xavier High School quarterback Jack Sivori can’t pinpoint the day he injured his shoulder. But as the 2019 football season progressed, throwing became more and more painful. “I couldn’t throw as hard, and I started throwing weird because of the pain,” the 17-year-old junior said. “I would put my arm over my head and…

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Ortho - Shoulder, Orthopedics, Patient stories - Norton Healthcare, Sports - Shoulder, Sports Health

A repaired rotator cuff and a great experience

Riding his bike on a trail, Dan Lillpop tried to turn around in tall grass. The bike stopped and Dan fell. The 65-year-old braced himself with his left arm, tearing the rotator cuff in his shoulder when he hit the ground. After a trip to the emergency room, X-rays, and a magnetic resonance imaging (MRI)…

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