Norton Healthcare employees working in direct patient care and clinical support positions are required to dress in role-specific, color-coded uniforms and scrubs. Below are images of acceptable scrubs and uniforms.
If your job role is not shared on this page and you have questions about the dress code for your new position, please reach out to your recruiter or leader.
Registered nurses
Choice of:
Clinical professionals, including medical assistants, diagnostic imaging services professionals, and rehabilitation services providers such as occupational therapists, speech therapists, physical therapists and respiratory therapists
Guest Services and Patient Access employees, including receptionists and surgery schedulers
Clinical associates, including patient care associates and Emergency Department technicians
Environmental Services employees
Food & Nutrition Services employees
You can wear a black, white or gray shirt under your scrubs or uniform.
What color undershirt can I wear?
Can I wear a jacket?
Yes, you can wear a jacket. Fleece jackets are not allowed. Talk to your leader about specific color preferences or requirements. Visit the N-Store to purchase Norton Healthcare-branded jackets.
What type of shoes can I wear?
Closed-toe, closed-heel shoes are the expectation. Crocs are not permitted unless they meet the guidelines.