News, Sports Health

A remarkable comeback

If you’ve been paying attention to the World Series you know the return of the Chicago Cubs’ Kyle Schwarber is nothing short of remarkable. Schwarber tore his ACL in April. It was a gruesome-looking injury that was expected to end his season. Not only has he returned to the lineup, he’s delivered some big hits…

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News, Prevention and Wellness

Electronics at bedtime bad for sleep

A new study published in JAMA Pediatrics has shown that kids using electronic devices such as smart phones and tablets at bedtime are more than twice as likely to not get the sleep they need. And keeping the devices in the bedroom can also affect sleep, as children in the study were 50 percent more…

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News, Spirituality

3 tips for emotional wellness

When we think about wellness we automatically think of our bodies and physical wellness:  exercising, eating healthfully, getting enough sleep. We might even think about spiritual wellness: having a discipline like prayer or reading scripture, meditation or worship. But how often do we think about our emotional wellness? How do we pay attention to that?…

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Employee stories - Norton Healthcare, News

Finding the gift in every person

In March 2004 when our son, Kendall, was born, my husband and I were flooded with emotions — the overwhelming joy of becoming parents, followed by total shock when we were told Kendall has Down syndrome. While we were thrilled with our baby boy being born, we also felt like we were grieving the loss…

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News, Prevention and Wellness

Tales from the Poison Center: Glow sticks

Hoping to make your kids’ Halloween costumes worthy of oohs and ahhs? Take an easier route than the one we took last year. Minutes after a neighbor gave my 5-year-old a glow stick, I hear Cooper let out an epic scream. I look down and see the scariest Little Lumberjack EVER. Cooper’s mouth and clothes…

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Cancer, Employee stories - Norton Healthcare, News

Breast cancer awareness still is very important

Last month, I wrote about my mother’s battle with ovarian cancer. My mom was diagnosed with a mutation on her BRCA2 gene — making her highly susceptible to both breast cancer and ovarian cancer. It’s the home run of cancer genes. My mom was first diagnosed with breast cancer 10 years ago at age 54…

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News, Recipes

Why is dark chocolate good?

Cocoa beans are among the highest scoring foods when it comes to antioxidant activity. What does that mean? It means that we should all be eating dark chocolate — especially today, National Chocolate Day! A food’s antioxidant activity is a measure of its ability to fight free radicals. Dark chocolate is nutritious on many different…

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Employee stories - Norton Healthcare, News

Raising resilient kids

As parents it is impossible to prevent our children from experiencing hardships —divorce, financial struggles, illness, death of a loved one just to name a few. Resiliency is the ability to bounce back and rise above setbacks or hardships. Resilient people see challenges as opportunities. Teaching children how to be resilient is critical,  because It…

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News, Womens Health

Does my teen have PCOS?

Acne. Hair growth. Irregular periods. Weight gain. Sounds like the usual issues teen girls deal with during puberty. Maybe — but not always. These also can be symptoms of polycystic ovary syndrome, or PCOS. When acne, hair growth on the face and body, and weight gain are excessive, this common hormonal disorder could be to blame….

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Heart, News, Patient stories - Norton Healthcare

When a Fit Body Doesn’t Equal a Fit Heart

At age 51, Chris Pryor of Louisville led an active life, volunteering with his church, watching his grandchildren play baseball and going to the gym. Though sometimes it took him longer to catch his breath after a hard workout, he didn’t worry about his health. But over the summer, Pryor developed a persistent cough. Sometimes,…

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Cancer, Employee stories - Norton Healthcare, Kiss & Tell, News

Attitude is everything

On Sept. 15, Give Local Louisville day, we shared 24 Hours of Courage on Facebook — a day highlighting the stories of courageous mothers, sons, husbands and friends who have fought or are currently fighting one of the most tragic diseases of our time — cancer. We’re now turning these stories of courage into tales…

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Cancer, Kiss & Tell, News, Patient stories - Norton Healthcare

Kiss And Tell: Lynda’s Story

You may know her from her radio personality career, but Lynda Lambert is just like any of the one in eight women who will get breast cancer. She was standing in the parking lot of the market on a rainy March afternoon putting groceries in her car when she received the call from her doctor….

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