News, Patient stories - Norton Healthcare

Graduating from 12 years of surgeries

Shearice Harrison cheered just like any other mom as her son, Jerren, walked across the New Albany High School stage to get his diploma. But she wasn’t just celebrating his academic achievements; she reveled in the fact that her son was alive to see this day. “I held my baby, who was just a few…

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Throwback Thursday: A champ for kids

On Oct. 27, 1966, Muhammad Ali met Doug Jones in a six-round exhibition bout at Freedom Hall. But it wasn’t just about the boxing. The match-up was a benefit for the Children’s Hospital Foundation, which netted more than $6,000 from the fight. The day before the match-up, Ali visited children at Children’s Free Hospital (now…

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Employee stories - Norton Healthcare, Expecting, News, Obstetrics

If I can get through the pain, so can you

Now, I don’t want to paint an unrealistic picture of the delivery. I have heard the horror stories of emergency cesarean sections after two days of labor and three hours of pushing. Honestly, my deliveries were much easier, and I wish everyone could have the same experience. While I will say my body in both…

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This is but a moment in time

As we celebrate the life and accomplishments of “The Greatest” — Muhammad Ali — it brings to light the many athletes, dignitaries, humanitarians and everyday heroes who inspire us as they overcome adversity to keep living their dreams. Louisville native Bill Reed is one of them. This spring’s Kentucky Derby Festival Marathon marked Reed’s 50th 26.2-miler…

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When counting sheep gets old

There’s not much worse than waking up in the middle of the night and not being able to go back to sleep. You change positions. You try to clear your mind of the things on your to-do list. Maybe you’ve got heartburn or restless legs syndrome and can’t get comfortable. If this sounds familiar, you’re…

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News, Weight Management

Bitter truth about your favorite foods

Get ready for sticker shock on some of your favorite foods. The Food and Drug Administration has released new guidelines for nutrition information printed on food packaging. Starting in summer 2018, companies will be required to include an “added sugar” line to their nutrition labels. The change, one of several that will appear on the new…

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News, Prevention and Wellness

How to safely remove a tick

Are you planning on spending more time outdoors this summer? You may want to be ready to know how to safely remove a tick from a child or adult. Ronald Paul, M.D., chief of Norton Children’s Emergency Medicine, affiliated with the UofL School of Medicine, and professor of pediatrics at the medical school, explains how…

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News, Wings for Kids

Snapchat Rewind: Wings for Kids

On Saturday and Sunday, planes took to the skies over Bill Fluke Airfield in E.P. “Tom” Sawyer Park for Wings for Kids, a fundraising event for Norton Children’s Hospital presented by the IPA Foundation. The 15th annual Wings for Kids airshow was hosted by River City Radio Controllers and featured radio-controlled airplane flying exhibitions, including…

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Cancer, News

Standing victorious against cancer

Three of the scariest words anyone may ever hear are, “You have cancer.” Three of the most hope-filled ones are, “You will survive!” Thanks to earlier detection, breakthrough research, enhanced treatment and ongoing support, cancer survival rates continue to improve. Today, nearly 14.5 million people in the United States are living with and beyond cancer….

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Holy guacamole!

The mighty avocado is a super food star. Don’t be turned off by its high fat content. It is one of the best sources of the good guys of fat — monounsaturated and polyunsaturated fats. These types of fat do not raise cholesterol. In fact, according to the American Heart Association, they may actually help…

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It’s never too early for om

Stress and anxiety are becoming issues for more and more children. Signs of stress and anxiety in children include the following symptoms: •Stomachaches •Headaches •Difficulty sleeping or concentrating •Moodiness •Clinginess •Refusing to go to school You can help a child struggling with these issues by teaching techniques for coping with unpleasant feelings and experiences. These…

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Employee stories - Norton Healthcare, News, Obstetrics

From bumpy ride to baby bump

As we moved through the first trimester, every day was full of worry. Worry that I wasn’t doing everything right; worry that we would have another miscarriage. Because I was considered “high risk” from my previous miscarriage and because I used fertility treatments to get pregnant, I had two appointments and two ultrasounds to confirm…

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