Neurosciences, News, Sports Health

Concussions in kids worse than thought?

You don’t normally see soccer players wearing head protection. But for 15-year-old Ruby Fitzer, it’s a requirement. “I don’t like wearing it — it leaves a mark on my forehead,” said Ruby, a goalie for Dupont Manual High School in Louisville. “But the reality is I need it in order to keep playing.” Unfortunately, between…

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News, Teens

No one would miss me if I were gone

Bullying. Grades. Sexualized society. Instagram likes. Divorce. Financial issues. Facebook friends. Substance abuse. The pressures teens face today are enormous and much different than what most adults faced at their age. During these formative years, teens simply aren’t equipped to handle a lot of stress. As a result, more than ever teens are turning to…

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Heart, News

Working overtime could be killing you

Your work “to-do” list needs to include cutting hours. Experts say working over 40 hours a week for an extended period of time increases your risk for heart disease — and even a deadly heart attack. Most Americans who work full time report being on the job an average of 47 hours per week. According to…

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News, Patient stories - Norton Healthcare

Teen patient taking on Washington

Anna-Maria Beck, a 17-year-old Sacred Heart student, is going to Washington, D.C. on behalf of children facing serious illnesses. On June 22, Anna-Maria and her family will travel to Capitol Hill to meet with lawmakers about new legislation, including the Advancing Care for Exceptional Kids Act of 2015 (ACE Kids Act), which would make it…

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Is this the beginning of the end to HIV?

Ricky Thomas and his fiancée, Joshua Sundquist, recently made the decision to use PrEP, a new preventive measure against HIV in which HIV-negative individuals use anti-HIV medications to reduce their risk of becoming infected if exposed to the virus. PrEP, which stands for pre-exposure prophylaxis, is a powerful tool and, combined with condom usage, provides…

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News, Spirituality

The human link hidden in a prayer

If you pray, you know you are not alone. Yes, your prayer is received by a higher power, but sometimes it goes even further than that. The Rev. Adam Ruiz sees evidence of this every day in his role as staff chaplain for Norton Healthcare. Read his thoughts on how a simple prayer request can…

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Bike to Beat Cancer Training, News

‘Carrot’ on string won’t save your head

Bike to Beat Cancer has teamed up with Dan Delph, training leader for Norton Sports Health, to give you “Dan’s Training Tips.” These videos are designed to give riders answers to basic cycling questions and concerns. In this video, Dan walks you through the different types of helmets available and how to ensure a proper…

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The World Health Organization now says coffee is unlikely to cause cancer

Coffee drinkers and lovers take heart. Our beloved potion with its heavenly aroma and seemingly magical powers to calm us down or pick us up has been vindicated. Well, kind of. In 1991, the World Health Organization (WHO) said coffee might cause cancer, but that finding was based on studies that provided “limited evidence.” Mobile…

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Employee stories - Norton Healthcare, News

Go daddy go!

The last meal I ate before the birth of our first child consisted of a jar of queso dip and a dessert called Oreo cheesecake cupcake serenity. Those food items, however scrumptious, were not out of celebration or anxiety. They were pretty much the norm. The next day, our son was born. And that’s where…

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News, Recipes

Refreshing summer smoothie

Summer is here and we are beginning to experience some of the warmest days of the year. Combat the heat with this hydrating smoothie recipe that incorporates avocado. Not only does avocado add creaminess to a smoothie, but it also is considered a super food because it is one of the most nutrient-dense foods. Kale,…

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News, Patient stories - Norton Healthcare

To the physicians who saved my son

I’ve thought about writing this letter about a million times since March. Now that things have settled down and Miles is thriving, I feel like I can finally gather my thoughts and attempt to put into words just how much two physicians have impacted mine and my family’s life. A week before Miles’ open heart…

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News, Sports Health

Peyton Manning’s wisdom for young athletes

Former NFL quarterback Peyton Manning sat down with Jason Frakes, Courier-Journal high school sports writer, to discuss his career, retirement, thoughts on children playing football and advice for high school athletes. At the Kentuckiana Sports Awards Banquet on June 14, guest speaker Manning shared intimate details about his 22-year career as a football player. His…

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