News, Recipes

Under a snack attack?

It strikes us all — sometimes when we least expect it; sometimes like clockwork every day. We are in our cars, at our desks or working the front lines when suddenly we find ourselves under a snack attack! Instead of hitting the vending machine, a drive-thru or that day-old doughnut in the break room, arm…

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News, Patient stories - Norton Healthcare, Teens

The internet stole my life

I decided to give up the internet. No more surfing websites, chatting on social media, playing video games or watching Netflix. When I turned my smartphone and two tablets over to my parents, it felt like a nightmare and I thought I would have serious withdrawal issues. So, why did I do it? I realized…

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News, Obstetrics

Having a baby soon?

One out of every two newborns around the world is being put at risk because they are not breastfed within an hour of birth, according to UNICEF. “Breastfeeding an infant within the first hour of birth is crucial for good health,” said Elizabeth Doyle, M.D., internal medicine physician and director of lactation services for Norton…

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MyNortonChart, News

Trying an online medical visit?

Sick and don’t have the energy to get out of bed? Going out of town tomorrow and can’t get an appointment today? Wondering about symptoms but can’t get away from work? Sometimes life gets in the way of getting the care you need. Luckily, today’s technology is giving you another option. Secure video conferencing has…

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News, Spirituality

Oops, I did it again!

Stephen Covey tells of a little girl holding two apples when her mother comes along and asks her for one of them. The girl looks up at her mom and takes a bite of one apple, then the other. The mom feels disappointed at her daughter’s selfishness. Then the little girl gives one of her…

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News, Prevention and Wellness

Travel advisory for parts of Florida

Concerns over the Zika virus have been in the news for months now, however the media is now reporting that Zika is actively circulating in Florida. Previously, the outbreaks have primarily been in Central and South America, including parts of the Caribbean. More than 10 cases of nontravel-acquired Zika have been confirmed in the Miami…

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News, Patient stories - Norton Healthcare

Ask; don’t stare

Fifteen-month-old Kinsley Pruitt was born prematurely with major health issues. For the most part, she appears to be like most other toddlers — learning to walk and explore the world around her — except she has a G-tube. This is a tube that comes out of her abdomen and allows her to be fed directly…

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News, Weight Management

Is there something to be said for fasting?

In the 18th century, Benjamin Franklin wrote that “to lengthen thy life, lessen thy meals.” Researchers now say he might have been on to something. Franklin didn’t give it a name, but scientists, physicians and dietitians are now giving more attention to what they call “intermittent fasting.” “Most people hear the word ‘fasting’ and think…

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Thinking beyond the sandwich

Are your kids tired of sandwiches for lunch? Think outside the bread and liven things up a bit with these ideas. The bonus: Kids can help make these meals. Some are even great finger foods they can assemble at lunchtime. When kids feel in charge, they’re more likely to eat better. Be sure to make…

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News, Splash N Dash

Miles of smiles

Have you signed up for the Norton Children’s Hospital Splash ‘n’ Dash 5k walk/run yet? If you’re still on the fence about participating, two Norton Children’s Hospital nurses can help convince you to join in the fun this Saturday, Aug. 6, at Beckley Creek Park! Darla York, R.N., nurse manager in the Addison Jo Blair…

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News, Spirituality

We’re all in this together

It’s time to come clean, and frankly, I’m relieved. You see, I am a Norton Healthcare chaplain, but I don’t work alone. There is someone else working alongside me. His name is Stan. Stan goes everywhere I go. He sees the same patients, reads the same medical records and attends the same meetings, yet he’s…

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News, Patient stories - Norton Healthcare

Our normal may not be your normal

We all can probably agree that the world needs less judging and more compassion. Negative behaviors usually stem from lack of understanding about what another person is going through. This is especially true when it comes to medical issues. Young mother Shelly Pruitt shares her story about how outward appearances don’t give the full story…

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