News, Norton Now

Dehydration cramps

If dehydration leg cramps are cramping your exercise routine, the cure might be as close as your water bottle. Cramps from dehydration are usually harmless but painful. Here is the lowdown on what causes leg cramps, how to stop leg cramps and more. What causes leg cramps? Leg cramps are common for many people and…

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Norton Community Medical Associates, Norton Now

Men are still avoiding the doctor

Compared to women, more men avoid going to the doctor, skip recommended health screenings and practice riskier behaviors. As a result, they also live with more years of bad health and die about five years sooner than women. A national survey by Cleveland Clinic revealed a disconnect between the sexes when it comes to our…

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Norton Now

How do I know if I have poison ivy?

Spring has sprung in Kentucky, and with it comes those leaves of three: poison ivy. If you think you have poison ivy, here’s what you need to know. Rashes from poison ivy and its relatives poison oak and poison sumac are caused by an allergic reaction to an oily substance called urushiol (pronounced yoo-ROO-shee-all). Urushiol…

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Urogynecology, Womens Health

Why do I pee when I sneeze?

Bladder control, bladder incontinence, urinary incontinence, peeing when coughing — whatever you might call it, it’s an issue that affects many women. It’s not just a “change of life” or aging issue — urinary leakage affects women of all ages. There is a certain stigma to it that keeps many women from getting treatment. However,…

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Infectious Disease, Norton Now

Mpox questions and answers

The current outbreak of Mpox is spreading mostly through close, intimate contact with an infected person. Mpox had been virtually nonexistent in the United States until earlier this summer. Reported cases surpassed 100 per week in mid-July and 1,000 per week in early August. We turned to Paul S. Schulz, M.D., infectious diseases physician with Norton…

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Childrens Hospital Foundation, Foundation, Norton Healthcare Foundation

New donors give more than $1.5 million through Wade Mountz Heritage Society

A new group of donors has joined the Wade Mountz Heritage Society after making planned gifts totaling more than $1.5 million to the Norton Children’s Hospital Foundation and/or Norton Healthcare Foundation. The model of charitable estate planning used for the Wade Mountz Heritage Society allows individuals to leave a lasting legacy. To date, members of…

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Health Equity, Heart

High blood pressure in African Americans

New research suggests that young African Americans (in their 20s, 30s and 40s) are living with or dying from conditions typical of older white Americans — like high blood pressure. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), high blood pressure is more common in non-Hispanic Black adults (54%) than in other non-Hispanic groups….

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Cardiology, Heart

High blood pressure or even elevated blood pressure can be dangerous for young adults

The cause of high blood pressure in young adults isn’t always known, but addressing obesity, sedentary lifestyle and excessive alcohol or salt can be the first steps toward bringing your blood pressure down. Some patients with high blood pressure may not notice a difference in how they feel, but over time, the increased stress on…

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Heart, Heart Attack

Here’s information to have ready before you need emergency stroke or heart care

If you or someone you’re with is experience stroke or heart attack symptoms, call 911 right away. Paramedics can start delivering lifesaving treatment as soon as they arrive. If you are ill or are with someone who is, having medical emergency information ready beforehand can be critical. If you’d like to choose which hospital the ambulance takes…

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Norton Now

How to talk to your doctor about embarrassing topics

Embarrassed to talk to your doctor? Here are some topics patients avoid talking about and tips on speaking up to your physician. The most under-discussed topics in an exam room include: Mental health concerns Hair loss Body odors, including fecal odors Bad breath Sexual issues Screenings for sexually transmitted infections and diseases Urinary incontinence There…

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Behavioral Health, COVID19

Mental and spiritual health after COVID-19: Stress, depression and anxiety

It’s hard to believe the world has struggled with the COVID-19 virus and its variants for over two years now. From quarantine to vaccines, to isolation and upheaval, it’s no wonder we just don’t feel “normal.” Mental health after COVID-19 is complicated, and many people need help. “We were seeing a rise in the need…

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Gynecology, Women's Pelvic Health, Womens Health

How sexual trauma survivors can feel more relaxed during a pelvic exam

For many women, it may be difficult to relax during a pelvic exam, but it can be a traumatizing experience for survivors of sexual abuse. Although a pelvic exam can help screen for various gynecological conditions, including fibroids and cancer, the procedure may feel intrusive or triggering for some trauma survivors, said Rebecca P. Walker, M.D.,…

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