Heart, Heart Failure, Patient stories - Norton Healthcare

Young Hardin County man reclaims his life with mechanical heart pump

DeAndr’e Gaines has lived most of his adult life with heart failure. Now at only 42 years old, the father of four is reclaiming life with a left ventricular assist device (LVAD). In his late 20s, DeAndr’e was diagnosed with nonischemic cardiomyopathy, a condition that deteriorated his heart muscle. At that time in his life…

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News, Norton West Louisville Hospital

‘A beacon of hope’: Norton West Louisville Hospital under construction on Norton Healthcare Goodwill Opportunity Campus

Near one of West Louisville’s busiest intersections, there is an open field that holds a lot of promise. Standing on the site, not far from piles of dirt and construction equipment, DeVone Holt shares a simple request: “Imagine an oasis of good here.” The chief external affairs officer for Goodwill Industries of Kentucky is referring…

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Norton Now

Benefits of vitamin D

You know vitamins are good for you, and you might know humans get vitamin D from exposure to the sun’s warming rays. There are also vitamin D supplements sold over the counter. Can you overdose on vitamin D? How much vitamin D do you need? What is vitamin D for? “Vitamin D is an antioxidant…

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Multiple Sclerosis, Neurosciences, Patient stories - Norton Healthcare

MS patient determined to get out of wheelchair, walks 5K

When Pat Bristoe began physical therapy at Norton Specialty Rehabilitation Center – St. Matthews in October 2021, he was depressed. Multiple sclerosis (MS), a diagnosis Pat received in 2009, had taken a toll on his body. For years, he managed the disease’s symptoms with medications, but as time went on his condition worsened. “I didn’t…

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Norton Now

How long does a UTI last?

A urinary tract infection (UTI) can be annoying, painful and disrupting to your life. How long does a UTI last? Although most UTIs aren’t serious, symptoms can be severe enough to interrupt your daily routine. Antibiotics usually are the best way to treat UTIs, but relief isn’t instant — it takes time for the medicine to…

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Sports Health

What’s the difference between a dietitian and a nutritionist?

If you’re on social media, you’ve likely seen a dietitian’s or nutritionist’s page or video — promoting a program, educating their followers or demonstrating recipes. You might think the terms are interchangeable, but there are key distinctions to be made. What’s the difference between a dietitian and a nutritionist? Here are the things that set…

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Neurosciences, Stroke

Esta es la información que debe tener preparada antes de necesitar atención de urgencia para un derrame cerebral o un ataque al corazón

This post is also available in English Si usted o alguien con quien está experimentan síntomas de derrame cerebral o de un ataque al corazón, llame al 911 deinmediato. Los paramédicos pueden empezar a administrar un tratamiento que salve vidas en cuanto lleguen. Si está enfermo o está con alguien que lo está, tener preparada…

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Ortho - Knee, Orthopedics

Computer-guided knee replacement surgery isn’t science fiction, it’s fact

Advances in computer-guided and robotic-assisted joint replacement procedures have greatly improved the precision of the surgeon’s work, speeding recovery and reducing time in the hospital. An innovative tool at Norton Orthopedic Institute provides exact computer-assisted guidance that can offer a smoother surgery. Computer-guided knee replacement “The CORI Surgical System uses computer-assisted technology to help precisely…

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Can you get asthma after COVID-19?

Some of the hallmark symptoms of a coronavirus infection (COVID-19) are issues in the respiratory tract (nose, throat and lungs) and difficulty breathing. People with asthma do not necessarily have worse outcomes from COVID-19, but can you develop asthma after COVID-19? Can COVID-19 cause asthma? Asthma and COVID-19 Asthma affects the airways of the lungs….

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How to choose an orthopedic surgeon

Living with chronic joint pain can keep you from enjoying life to the fullest. Many people are afraid to see an orthopedic specialist, because they fear surgery or aren’t sure how to choose an orthopedic doctor. Here are some tips on finding the best orthopedic doctor in your area. Credentials, certifications and designations Do your…

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Weight Management

Wegovy vs. Ozempic

Wegovy and Ozempic are brand names for semaglutide. Ozempic was approved in 2017 for medical use in the treatment of diabetes. In 2021, Wegovy was approved for use in weight management. It’s the same drug, so what’s the difference? Wegovy vs. Ozempic Semaglutide initially was developed to treat Type 2 diabetes in adults and marketed…

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Bariatric Surgery, Weight Management

Can weight loss surgery reduce risk of cancer?

Weight loss surgery (WLS) could reduce risk for developing and/or dying from some cancers, according to a recent study. JAMA published the study that suggests people who have reduced body weight after WLS have a sharply decreased incidence of many cancers, including breast, kidney, liver and endometrial. Cancer and weight Although researchers don’t know exactly…

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