Spinal deformities include a wide variety of conditions affecting children and adults.
A healthy spine has three gentle curves that provide balance and flexibility while supporting the body’s weight. The lower spine curves inward, the middle spine curves outward slightly and the neck curves back inward.
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Abnormal curves put the spine out of alignment and can be present at birth. Often a mild spinal deformity will have no symptoms. More severe cases, however, can interfere with nerves, producing pain, numbness or weakness that travels down the arms, legs or both.
The spine specialists at Norton Leatherman Spine have internationally recognized expertise in spinal deformities. Their experience and expertise provide state-of-the-art techniques and complex surgical treatments for severe cases and nonsurgical treatments for mild cases.
The combined team of orthopedic spine and neuroscience specialists at Norton Leatherman spine provides comprehensive care.
Norton Leatherman Spine is a combined team of orthopedic spine surgeons, neurosurgeons and pain management specialists who provide care for adults and children from Louisville and Southern Indiana, as well as from across the region, nation and world.