Consult with the maternal-fetal medicine team.
While hearing that your pregnancy is considered complex or high-risk can be worrying, it can mean just that mom and baby need extra care to have a healthy pregnancy and delivery.
You may have had a medical condition before you became pregnant, or you might develop a condition during your pregnancy. Your developing baby also can have a condition that needs to be monitored before birth.
Having the information gives you time to plan and get specialized care early, when it’s likely to be most effective.
Read the family’s story
Your pregnancy can be considered complex for a number of reasons. Common conditions that affect the mother include:
An ultrasound may have detected an abnormality in your baby’s development. As frightening as this news can be, it can be helpful to remember that identifying the condition allows you and your baby to get the right care. Children with congenital heart anomalies and other conditions can grow to have full, adult lives.
“At Norton Children’s Maternal-Fetal Medicine, we partner with you, your family, your obstetrician and other members of your health care team to work toward the best pregnancy for both mom and baby. Our specialists see patients at our offices outside of the Louisville area and will work with you to help you deliver with your obstetrician.”
Kendal K. Stephens, M.D.Medical DirectorNorton Children’s Maternal-Fetal Medicine, part of Norton Women’s Care
Neonatal care for children with congenital anomalies starts when your baby’s condition is diagnosed, whether while you’re pregnant or shortly after birth.
If you’ve been referred to a maternal-fetal medicine specialist, it can prompt a wave of emotions. Try to remember that whatever has come up with your pregnancy, you are in the right place.
Norton Women’s Care offers classes and tours that can help families prepare for delivery after a complex pregnancy.