Norton MyChart Frequently Asked Questions

What is Norton MyChart?

Norton MyChart is a secure online portal that can be accessed from a computer with internet access or the MyChart mobile app. It gives you access to personalized portions of your electronic medical record, and it enables you to securely manage and receive information about your health. Norton MyChart allows you to:

  • Review your medications, immunizations, allergies, issue lists and medical history
  • View details of past and upcoming appointments
  • Request to be placed on a wait list for an earlier appointment
  • Receive some lab results online
  • Communicate electronically and securely with your care team*
  • Review health education topics and discharge instructions from your provider
  • Have a video visit or eVisit with a Norton eCare provider for virtual urgent care
  • Have proxy access to a child or loved one’s medical records
  • Pay a Norton Healthcare bill

*Norton MyChart may be used for routine communication with your health care provider’s office but is not intended to replace office visits or to get answers to urgent or emergency concerns. Providers may not be able to answer all your questions electronically. They may request that you schedule an appointment to make an accurate diagnosis and determine the best treatment plan for your condition.

How secure is Norton MyChart?

All communication between you and Norton Healthcare using Norton MyChart takes place over a secure, encrypted connection. Encryption means the information is encoded in a way that no one can read during transmission. Your medical records are stored behind a firewall to prohibit unauthorized access. In addition, Norton MyChart access requires a unique username and password that you create. Norton MyChart is owned and operated by Norton Healthcare and is fully compliant with federal and state laws pertaining to your privacy. Your name and email address will be kept private and confidential and will never be sold or released by Norton MyChart.

How do I get signed up?

Go to

If I already have a Norton MyChart account, am I able to add my children to my account or do I need to make new accounts for them?

Each individual must have their own Norton MyChart account. You can request proxy access to your children’s information once they have an account. An adult/ proxy must sign up for a Norton MyChart account first prior to requesting access to a child’s. (see next question).

How can I view my child’s, spouse’s or another person’s medical records?

You can view other family members’ medical records only if you have been granted proxy access to the person’s Norton MyChart account. A “proxy” is a person who accesses and manages another person’s record on behalf of that other person. Proxy access is important for minor children (under age 18) who are not allowed to view their medical records online. A parent or guardian must use proxy access to view the child’s medical records via Norton MyChart. Parents can request proxy access to their children’s records through their own Norton MyChart account or by emailing [email protected] or calling (502) 629-8766. Proxy access to a child’s account ends automatically when the child reaches age 18. To access an adult’s record, that person must grant proxy access to you.

Can my spouse and I share one Norton MyChart account?

Unfortunately, no. Due to the sensitive nature of medical information, each adult must sign and submit a Release of Information request and establish their own Norton MyChart account.

If your activation code has expired, you can fill out the online activation code form.

Is there a fee associated with Norton MyChart?


Do I need an email address to use Norton MyChart?

An email address is not required but is preferred. When new information is sent to your Norton MyChart account, you will receive an email to let you know that new information is available.

Features of Norton MyChart

How will I know when I have new information in Norton MyChart?

You will receive an email notification to go to your Norton MyChart account to view the new information.

How do I choose to receive notifications?

If you elect to receive email or text notifications, you will be notified by the method you select. To select email or text notifications, click on the Profile icon at the top, then Notifications. To opt in to email or text notifications, click on the icon. Also, review the contact information and verify that we have your current phone number and email.

Can I see provider notes in Norton MyChart?

Some provider notes are available to view automatically through Norton MyChart. Click the “Visits” menu and select the “Appointments and Visits” link, select the encounter date that you would like to view, and click the “Notes” tab.

If a note is not available for viewing, you may request the note. On the home page under “Quick Links,” click “Ask A Question,” click “Customer Service Question,” and select “Medical Record Request” from the drop-down box.

Can I message my provider through Norton MyChart?

Norton MyChart is not an email system, but it does allow you to send a secure message to your Norton Healthcare provider. Select “Ask a Question” and click on “New Medical Question,” then write and send your message.

Norton MyChart should not be used to communicate urgent medical concerns to your provider. If your situation requires immediate attention, visit a Norton Immediate Care Center or emergency room. Dial 911 if you have an emergency.

If I send a message to my health care provider, when can I expect a reply?

Generally, you will receive an answer within one to three business days. Norton MyChart should not be used for urgent situations. If your situation requires immediate attention, visit a Norton Immediate Care Center or emergency room. Dial 911 if you have emergency.

Will my provider contact me through Norton MyChart?

When providers share new test results, they may attach a note to your results or include a secure message to help you understand the significance of the test results. Your provider also may recommend that you make a follow-up appointment, provide you with additional instructions or ask you to call the office to discuss your test results.

Can I ask questions regarding a family member from my own Norton MyChart account?

You should not. Communicating about another person’s medical information using your Norton MyChart account would place their information in your medical record. This information would not appear in the correct medical record and could potentially jeopardize individual medical care and safety.

Can I make an appointment through Norton MyChart?

Yes, but you first need to visit your provider one time after you open a Norton MyChart account before you are able to schedule an appointment in the Norton MyChart application. You will then be able to schedule or request an appointment, and view your past and upcoming appointments.

You also can cancel appointments through Norton MyChart. As a courtesy to our staff and other patients, we ask that you provide at least 2 hours’ notice if you need to cancel or reschedule an appointment. If your appointment is less than 2 hours away, you will need to call your provider’s office to cancel or reschedule your appointment.

How can I pay my bill from visits prior to having Norton MyChart?

Contact your provider’s office directly or the phone number on the corresponding bill/invoice to submit payment. You will see that all visits after April 1, 2024, will be billed by Norton Medical Group. To pay Norton Medical Group bills, call the phone number on your bill or go to your Norton MyChart account.

How do I view my test results?

Many test results can be viewed in your Norton MyChart account. When providers share new test results, they may attach a note to your results or include a secure message to help you understand the significance of the results. Your provider also may recommend that you make a follow-up appointment, provide you with additional instructions or ask you to call the office to discuss your results. Click on the “Health” menu and select the “Test Results” link. On the “Test Results” page, click anywhere within a row to display the results for that test. Don’t forget to check the “Show Hospital Results” box, so your hospital results also will display. You may have access to test results before you hear from your provider. Please give your provider time to contact you with your test results if you do not understand or have questions.


Why doesn’t all my health information show up in Norton MyChart?

Your Norton MyChart is a snapshot of your care provided by Norton Healthcare. If there are test results that you do not see, you may send a message through your Norton MyChart account to request those results.

For new Norton MyChart users, you will not see your previous medical records unless you first request them. For patients with previous patient portals, your previous records will still be available there.

To request medical records, go to the home page under “Quick Links,” click “Ask A Question,” click “Customer Service Question,” and select “Medical Record Request” from the drop-down box.

My Norton MyChart account activation code does not work. What should I do?

For your security, the activation code expires 45 days from the date of your visit and is no longer valid after the first time you use it.

What do I do if some of my health information is not correct in Norton MyChart?

The information in your Norton MyChart comes directly from your electronic medical record. If you believe something is incorrect, there are two ways to request a change or correction:

  • Through your Norton MyChart account, click “Ask a Question” from your home page under “Quick Links,” click “Customer Service Question,” then select “Chart Correction” from the drop-down box.
  • Email the health information management department at [email protected]

Find more information at, or call (502) 629-8766, option 3, Monday to Friday, 7 a.m. to 5 p.m.